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2 days later 1:39 am☘️

"Yes sis.He called me like an hour ago saying that junk.I feel bad but there's nothing I can do"Queen said while braiding my hair.

She told me Ar'mon and Trey just got dropped from their label.Honestly I can care less.The nigga ain't my problem.But when it get to the point where he can't provide for the kids I'll step in.

"Oh good for him.But how about Capitol Records called and they want me to do a consultation with them bihh.We gone be signed to the same record label"I did my Cardi B voice.

"Then we can get to work on our joint album.People been wanting that for a while."she said. "Queen I'm finna get like you.Boss up my ex nigga"I laughed and she high fived me.

"You ready to go now"she was talking to the camera. "I need something to eat"I've been in labor for some hours.It don't hurt but them contractions kicking my ass. I put 2 pizzas in the oven and went upstairs.

I put on my Winnie the Pooh onesie to match with Queen. I packed an over night bag and grabbed my phone.Queen finished her shower and I fixed the food.We ate and talked for a few minutes then left.

I sat in the passengers seat while Queen routes her GPS. I FaceTimed my children even though they supposed to be sleep.Hopefully they answered.

FaceTime Convo

"Hey Mommy"My baby got all in the camera.
"Hey baby,what you doing up"I asked her.
"Me and uncle mon mon pwaying with dollies"she kissed the camera.
"I love you too"I said.Its too late for her to be up.
"Put your uncle in the camera"I said.She listened
"Why is she still up"I asked him.
"Remember you don't fuck with me no more"he gave her the home back.
"Mommy he said a bad word"she put her hand on her mouth.
"Say hey to auntie Queen"I flashed her face and Mani smiled.
"Teteeeee"Mani squealed.
"Baby where's your brother"I asked her.
"Daddy couldn't get his eyes to open so he took him"she said.

Tf she mean he took him?Eyes won't open? *Sighs

"Okay I love you baby goodnight and go to bed"and I hung up. I dialed Trey.He didn't answer.I called him over and over again.He probably blocked my number.Where's my son.This hard ass contraction hit me.

"Jazz the nearest hospital is 4 hours away.The others flooded"Queen said.Tf? "Um I know this rn But I don't where she is at the moment"I said.My breathing broke into pants.One thing Trey was right about is that I'm getting loose.

Like my walls are so stretched. They closing a little bit though. I've been doing little things to get it back right.But he shouldn't have told me like that. So basically he been faking it? But fuck it cause ain't no other nigga gone be in me and that's on my mama's grave.

I'm finna go back to what I'm used to.I stepped out of my comfort zone and had three kids and got in abusive relationships.Fuck love and fuck all my exes. It's time to do me.I still have all of my old clothes.And I feel like that's the Jazz that fit me best.

I called the nurse. "Hey KD are you in town?"she's Doctor Kay's daughter. "Well I'm on set right now.They're about to start filming"she whispered.

"Filming for what"I asked. "Grey's Anatomy.They need a nurse on set at all times to make sure everything is right."she said.

"Well you tell them that you're about to deliver a baby"I semi yelled.Now I'm hurting. "I don't know if I can"she said. She hung up.

"Queen make a u turn and hit the interstate."I said, calmly. My phone ring and I answered it. "Okay so they said that you can do it on set for some realistic footage."she said.

Omg I have to vlog this. I don't care what people have to say about me. I'm 24 almost 25 and I'm damn near a billionaire, paid off a mansion, 6 cars and I have 2 beautiful children. Even though my 3rd was a mistake, it's completely okay.I love him and hopefully he loves me.

It's been a rough pregnancy for me. I've been beaten and my spirit was broken. But I'm on the road to healing myself and respecting myself.

I love Trey and I'm in love with Trey.No man will ever have my heart the way Trey had it. But I'm not getting back with him. I love him but co parenting sounds good right about now.


We pulled up to a large beige stretched out building. I can barely walk.I'm sweaty and sticky too.Queen on the phone and holding my stuff. I'm trying to record.So when I tell my story, I can post the video to go with it.

"No cameras allowed"the man sternly said. I walked in and collapsed.My legs feel like jelly,They put me in the hospital bed.And the big cameras started rolling.

They cut me out of my clothes and covered me up.

"Meredith you have to perform an emergency c section on the patient."KD said from behind the scenes. I grabbed her arms and begged her to start.I'm hurting...

"Omg can I have your autograph,Mommy look it's Jazmine"the little girl burst in the room.On the show she's Meredith's adopted child.

"Get her out"the director started screaming and stuff.I am so nervous to meet my little boy.He's super small.

I started pushing because they taking way to long.I don't want to fuck up my walls more but I guess I have too. I sighed

Comment your thoughts.Your opinions are much needed.And I also decided to do both.A book 2 and another book at the same time.I'm gonna write the first ten updates on each. The second book is called "Found" and the new book is "Black Rose".Both books should be posted by next Monday and this one should be completed with 100 chapters...

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