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-1 Week Later-

"So it's y'all last full day here!What y'all going to do"I asked them. "I don't Jazz.I wanna get in the water"Queen smiled. "Wait where's Breland"I asked them. "Management left last night.They have to be the venue ready for tomorrow"Kate said.

"Girl you sound so cheery"I Fake smiled.I have nothing to smile about. "Me and Lexi's birthday today"she smiled.

"Happy Birthday Kate"I Didn't say the other name.Trey been spending all his time with her since the whole Mani accident.Our baby is what,5 almost six months and he don't do anything.I mean sometimes.But Lucki has been stuck in his ass all week.

I have stayed up 3 days straight,watching OUR child.The other 4 days I got what,at least 3 hours of sleep.Trey been having fun with all the guys while I be mama and daddy.At this point I'm fed up.

After they released the baby,me and Dr.Kay had a talk.She's so understanding.She told me I was an inch away from losing the baby.I had questions as to why I'm not showing.She did an ultrasound and I saw the baby and everything,alone.She said it's okay and everything.She said that's it just that I'm fit so I'm not finna show until later.

So I'm pregnant and not sleeping or eating properly.

"What if we have a party tonight"Kev suggested.Everyone agreed and I'm sitting here dumbfounded.I wanted a quiet night.Of course I agreed.I'm finna leave,and go to another part of the house.I grabbed the baby and her stuff and left.

I watched her stomach move up and down steadily as she slept.I posted on my story I'm pregnant again.Like so many people supports me.I clicked on mostly every nigga page that liked my post.Some of them really fine and could treat me better than Trey.

"Jazz you left her bottle"Ar'mon walked in.He handed it to me and looked at her for a second.

"Can I hold her"he asked me.I smiled and gave him the baby.He is so good with her.She woke up and started smiling.She goofy just like him.Thats how she got her name. He walked out of the room with her.I walked back to the main house with him and I went to sleep.


"So y'all already know it's ya boys Ar'mon"I said "And Treezy"Trey said. "Today we doing a dirty Q&A featuring the whole gang"I said.

"First Question.Trey out of all of your exes.Ti,Emeily,Angelica,and Lexi,who gives the best head"Clarence asked.

"Lexi definitely"he laughed and shit.That ain't cool and it's not a good look considering the fact he in Jazz house.

"Oop.Second Question.Have you ever ate a girl out.Ar'mon"Queen asked me.She popped Cj cause he up here putting his tongue between his fingers.I died laughing.

"Duh I ate a girl out.Yo fat musty coochie self.Tasted like onions with a sprinkle of sprite"we all died of laughter even Clarence.Still don't fw him.

Ar'mani put her little hands together like Trey does sometimes.Its weird.Both of them have long ass fingers.

"So Lexi.If you could get back with any of Yo exes who would it be and why?"My friend Alexia asked.She being messy right now.

"Trey of course.Because he gave that DICK DICK"everybody started laughing except for me and Queen.Ain't shit funny.He my bro but Jazz don't deserve this.Plus they finna post this shit on YouTube.

I got the baby and walked to the kitchen and sat down.They kept on with they pettiness.I tried getting on my phone.I ignored them until they finished the video.If they upload that Jazz gone kill him.

Ar'mani started wheezing in my arms a little bit.I immediately got up and walked her upstairs to Jazz.She's sleep and needs her rest.I grabbed the mini inhaler off of the dresser and the baby stopped wheezing.I sat her in her carrier and sat on the floor on my phone.


My phone went dead and ion have a charger.I See Jazz charger but she on it.I sat in the bed and tried to move her but she groaned.I did it again and she woke up.She scared me a little cause here eyes are blue.She looked me in my eyes and kissed me.I didn't pull away either.She pulled away and gave me a deep stare with those eyes.

I moved pulled on my charger and some how some way,I ended up on top of her.No no no,this ain't right.This Trey girl.This my sister.She pregnant with my brother's baby.She is all Trey's.I got up,leaving me hovering over her.Plus the baby right there man.I can't escape this moment.

"So this what we doing now bro"Trey stood in the doorway.He looks so mad.I can't even say anything.I almost fucked Jazz.How stupid can I be.My Brothers girl.

"I was grabbing my charger"I got up completely holding my charger. "Really Jazz"he asked her.Okay no!He not finna do this to her and he up in there on Lexi.

"Trey you can't say anything.You just said Lexi gives the best head.Bro you full of shit.You posed to trust me bro"I said with my voice cracking.I don't even believe what I'm saying.

"Trey you know what,I'm done with you"Jazz said.

"I thought it was bros before hoes."Trey yelled. "Wow so I'm a hoe now.Get your shit and get out of my house"Jazz yelled.

"Ar'mon bro"Trey voice cracked and his eyes grew more serious.He balled his fists up.Bruh.

"Trey why are you still here?Im a hoe remember"Jazz said with her arms cracked. "You always have been one.Bitch"oh hell nah.Trey is such a fucking punk bro.The baby started crying.

I thought Jazz was gonna get her but her and Trey started arguing.I grabbed the baby and took her downstairs.


I got caught in the moment.Yes I kissed Ar'mon and I don't regret it.I did what I felt like I wanted to do.He is my brother and that's all.I love Trey bitch ass But since I'm a hoe and bitch now.Fuck him.

"You up here fucking on my brother.My fucking blood.You a hoe and have no respect for yourself or our child."He said.Wow his words really stung.

"I do everything for my child while you do nothing.All you do is sit on your ass.If I'm such a hoe,then why you mad"I yelled.

"I do for my fucking child"he said.He need to stop lying.He really cheating on me in my own house that I was nice enough to let his friends stay in.

"Trey leave.Please.Go be with that bitch Lexi.She sucks your dick the best right?She takes care of your sick baby right?She stays up late nights for your baby right?You wang her go get her."I yelled.

The next thing that happened caught me completely by surprise.Trey locked the door and attacked me.

All I could do is scream.All of his strength is being crushed on my head and I can't do anything.Ar'mon was banging on the door.He couldn't open it.

The man I love is damn near killing me.I stopped screaming because a lump of blood was forming in my throat.He won't stop hitting me.I'm begging him to stop.If I'm lucky I can die from choking on my own throw up.Every memory I ever had with Trey started popping up.
Ar'mon broke the door along with Clarence.

I blacked out.

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