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-1 hour later-

How could he?Beat me!Call me out of my name!Why?My Thoughts are storming through my head.I could've move,maybe shocked?I'm not the type to keep someone from their child but I don't wanna ever see him again in my life.I don't want another man in my life.

I'm pregnant and he almost beat me to death.I was praying he would kill me.I would rather be dead than experience that again.I'm emotionally hurt now.I don't want a single memory of this man.I want to erase him from my life.How can I when I have a child by him?

I think I'm going to move,from this house for a while.I don't want to stay here knowing memories just floating around.

He been knocking at my door the whole time.I'm not letting him in. I finally got the courage to see what he did to me.I walked very slowly to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and just started crying even harder.I got two black eyes and bruises all over my face.I can't believe Trey did this.

I punched the glass as hard as I could.Which is pretty hard.The mirror came tumbling down.Shards of glass flew into my hands and feet.I don't even feel it at this point.I know exactly what I'm finna do.

I opened the door and walked straight out ignoring Trey completely.I walked downstairs and Trey followed me.I know for a fact that everyone knows.I grabbed the lighter and everyone tried stopping me.I walked all the way out to the mini house I showed Trey a few months ago.

"Jazz don't"Trey grabbed my arms. "Are you fucking crazy?Touching me after you did that shit.You're fucking dead to me"I flickered the lighter in his face.He kept reaching for it and I lit his shirt.

Then I turned my attention to the Trazz house.I lit it up and watched the fire spread.Starting from when I met Trey until this moment.I wish he could die with it.I watched it burn to the ground.I called the fire station and they came instantly.They put out the remaining fire and left.

We all walked back in the main house.

"Get out.Every last one of you.I'm sorry to those who aren't in the wrong but the others get out and the party cancelled."I yelled.Ar'mon handed me my baby and shook his head.I sat her down in her carrier.

I walked upstairs and Trey grabbed me.I started hitting on his chest but he didn't let go.I started crying and screaming in his arms. "How could you do this to me?To us?Trey"My voice cracked.He kept hugging me while I cried in his arms.

I really wanna believe that he didn't do this to me on purpose.I wanna kiss on him and tell him how much I love him and that I would do anything for him and our family. But he fucking hit me.

"Trey you could've killed me and our baby"I pulled away. I started rubbing my stomach. "Jazz I'm sorry but when I saw you with Ar'mon like that,I didn't know what to think.I blacked out and I'm sorry"he said like he really meant it.

"Blacked out?Trey you knocked me unconscious."I looked down.My eyes are kind of closing and I can't see well.I don't want to be seen like this.

"Jazz I'm sorry.I really am.Jazz I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.You're my everything and you mean the world to me.I didn't mean to put my hands on you.I am sorry.Just don't leave me.I love you too much,you love me.We have a family Jazz!You're just gonna walk out on me?on us?"

"See I would've actually took you back but it seems as if you trying to lay this all on me.I don't like that.You're really manipulative and Im not finna tolerate it.You gave me two black eyes and I'm pregnant.So fuck you and everything to stand for"I said.

I really love this man but I hope leaving him helps.

"Trey I let all of your friends in and this is how you repay me?Cheating on me?Really"I cried some more.

"How long or how many times have you cheated.Might as well tell the truth now.Cause we Over"I said trying my best not to fold.Killing him wouldn't sound that bad.

"4 times Jazz."he sighed.Wow four times this nigga done cheated on me.Wow.Wowww,is all I can think of.

"With who"I whispered.I looked at him and he couldn't even look me back. "Lexi,Ti,And Lexi two more times"he said with his voice trailing off.

"That night when we left Detroit and I had a show.Lexi was there.Also when some and Ar'mon first came to Florida we had just left a show in Atl.Then when zip fought that nigga at IHOP,you left and I had sex with Lexi in the studio.Then last ni"I cut him off.

I slapped him as hard as I could,trying to find energy.He immediately tensed up.He raised his hand and I flinched as he rubbed his jaw.

"I won't hurt you"he said. "Too late for that"I touched my left/now closed eye.

"Jazz why are you doing this"he asked me. "Trey get out of my house.You better go before they leave you.And don't touch my daughter"I really don't trust him anymore,

"Jazz you're going to me like that?Keep me away from my child?You can't do that"he semi yelled.I tilted my head at him and he calmed all the way down.

"You're right I can't do that but I'm not going to let the fact that we have a child manipulate and guilt me back in a relationship with you"I said loud and clear.

"I told you I snapped and I didn't mean it"he said. "Didn't mean to almost fracture my skull and kill me and our unborn child.Really classy Treyvion"I snapped at him. "I'm sorry it was an accident"he said.

"What if the baby start crying and you accidentally snap.I don't trust her and I'm taking full custody."I said being 100% percent serious.I'm gonna she him for this too.Oh he's gonna pay!

"Jazz forgive me"he said.

"Oh I already did"I said being truthful.

"So we good?"he asked me.

"Hell no.I forgave you but I'm never gonna forget this.You're lucky you're walking away from this so easily.All I want you to do is leave out of my house and never come back"I said.

He left out of the room.I just lost something that meant the world to me.And I don't give a flying fuck.

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