Haruhi Fujioka

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this is not yaoi or yuri btw
anime: ouran high school host club

               "Senpai!" Haruhi yelled as Tamaki grasped her in a hug. They were in the middle of hosting when Hikaru and Kaoru told Tamaki that Haruhi had a secret lover. It was a joke, obviously, but Tamaki, being the fool he is, actually believed it.

               "Haruhi, say it ain't so!" He exclaimed as Haruhi struggled to break free. The two girls that request Haruhi merely blushed and giggled amongst themselves.

               "Senpai get off me I'm trying to host!" Haruhi growled and pushed him away.

               "B-but...." Tamaki begged as he began to cry.

               Haruhi just rolled her eyes and smiled at the two girls, "Sorry for his behavior. Can you excuse me for a moment?"

               The two girls eagerly nodded and smiled. Haruhi smiled as well and dragged Tamaki away.


               "Where the hell is she?!" [Name] said as he angrily ran a hand through his perfectly messy [hair color] hair. [Name] is currently looking for his older sister, Iris [Last Name], who was at the host club. "I swear, if she's at that club again..." [Name] began to walk to Music room 3 with his hands in his pocket. Some girls stare and blush as they saw the second year.

               Not soon after, [Name] opened the door and looked around searching for his annoying sister. As he hear her obnoxious squeal, he saw Iris sitting at a table with another girl. [Name] quickly walked over to her, "Iris, we're leaving."

               Iris pouted and glared, "I still have ten more minutes."

               [Name] rolled is eyes and sat down next to Iris. "Just hurry up."

               Iris smiled as she and her friend awaited for Haruhi to arrived.

               As Haruhi stopped lecturing Tamaki, she began to walk back to her table. "Sorry that took a while." She stated as she sat down.

               "N-no it's fine," Iris said as she blushed.

               Haruhi smiled sweetly and that's when she noticed him. [Name] was mindlessly looking around the flamboyant room but didn't feel Haruhi's stare. Her heart skipped a beat as [Name] moved a loose strand of hair from his face. Haruhi's cheeks were a rosy color. Finally [Name] looked at Haruhi. As they made eye contact, Haruhi's eyes widen slightly as she gazed into the endless pools of [eye color]. "I'm sorry, have we met?"

               [Name] just smiled as said, "[Last Name] [First Name]." Then he continued to look around, obviously hiding the blush that coated his cheeks. Damn it, am I gay?

               Haruhi snapped out of her trance and continued to host.

               Two weeks later and Haruhi could not stop think about [Last Name] [First Name]. She has found out that he is a second year and is in class 2-A.

               Today, the club ended earlier then usual.

               "Haruhi-chan, are you ok?" Honey said and he gazed at the love struck female.

               "Y-yeah I'm fine." she replied back. "Actually, I have to go bye guys!" She yelled leaving a confused host club.

               Haruhi sighed and walked over to the library where she need to check out a book for a report. As she was walking, she got pulled into a closet.

The door closed and she was pushed against the door. "H-hey!"

               "It's all your fault," someone said. The room was dimly lit up. Haruhi can only see that it was a male that pinned her to the wall.

               "Hey can you let me go?" She said calmly.

               The male looked into Haruhi's eyes. Haruhi's eyes widen as she saw it was [Name]. "It's all your damn fault." he whispered again.

               "Umm s-sorry," Haruhi whispered, despite the fact that she does not known what she did wrong.

               "Do you realize what you've done to me?" [Name] asked, his face only centimeters away from hers. Haruhi gulped and shook her head no. [Name] frowned. He let go of her arms and placed his head on her shoulder. "I like you." Haruhi's heart stopped. [Name] has just admitted his feelings for her. "But I don't want to like you." her heart broke. "I mean, I-I'm not gay!" Haruhi smiled widely and tried to contain her laugher. [Name] looked up with a confused look. "What's so funny?"

               Haruhi didn't answer, she only smiled and kissed [Name]. [Name] was shocked but still kissed back. Thekiss was filled with great passion. As they pulled apart, [Name] looked at Haruhi with conflicted eyes. Haruhi smiled sweetly, "I'm not a dude."

               [Name]'s eyes widen, "w-what?"

               "I'm a girl. I, Haruhi Fujioka, am a women and likes [Last Name] [First Name] ever much!"

               Relief swept over [Name] as he hugged Haruhi, "I, [Last Name] [First Name], am a man and likes Haruhi Fujioka very much."

               Haruhi giggled as she hugged [Name]. Suddenly the door was swung open and a gasp was heard, "Haruhi?!"

               The light blinded the two bit Haruhi knows that voice, "Senpai?" [Name] had his arm wrapped around her waist as he saw it was Tamaki Suoh with Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin.

               "Guess it wasn't a lie after all," Hikaru said softly, in disbelief.

               "Yeah," Kaoru said.

               "My child's forbidden fruit has been tarnished by the lower class second year! Oh no!" Tamaki cried as he put his head in his hands.

               "Senpai, what are you talking about?!" Haruhi yelled slightly embarrassed in front of her new boo.

               [Name] smiled fondly as Haruhi yelled at Tamaki. This is going to be interesting.

my friend request this but I'm curious to know if you guys like this male!readerxfemale!character
thank you for all the request! It's still open btw :)

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