Eren Yeager

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anime: attack on titan

               [Name] gasped slightly as he felt someone forcefully pat him on the back. He looked up and saw Ymir grinning widely, most likely at his pain.

               Ymir sat down next to [Name] with Christa sitting next to her. Training was over and all the cadets were sitting in the mess hall eating.

               All the female cadets glared at Ymir and Christa. [Name] is everyone's dream boy. He has perfect (hair color) that is pushed aside is a messily cute way that makes even Mikasa blush. He has a perfect body: muscley arms with perfect abs. [Name] is also very kind and his smile can melt hearts.

               "Hey Christa, Ymir." [Name] said as he drank his soup.

               "Hello [Name]," Christa replied back with a smile. Usually, Ymir would be angry at anyone that talks to Christa, but not at [Name]. [Name] and Ymir have been good friends since training camp started.

               "Hey [Name]," Ymir said. [Name] looked over at her whilst drinking his water. "Have you noticed every girl has been staring at you?"

               [Name] furrowed his eye brows and set his cup down. He looked around, and to sure, the girls in the mess hall were staring at him. As they made eye contact with [Name], the girls turned beet red and looked another direction. "Wonder why." Of course, being the modest person he his, [Name] never really noticed all the attention and his dashing good looks.

               Ymir laughed loudly, "C'mon [Name], stop playin' dumb." [Name] was confused and tilted his head, causing some girls to swoon at his cute action. Ymir rolled her eyes, "Dude, you're like the hottest trainee."

               [Name]'s eyes widen. He thought of him self as mildly attractive but to be the hottest trainee was absurd. "Shut up Ymir. You're not even straight."

               "I'll prove it. Yo, Mikasa!" Ymir called out as the trio, Mikasa, Eren, and Armin, passed by with their lunch trays. All three stopped and looked at Ymir.

               "What." She replied back with a stoic look.

               "Don't you agree that [Name] here is the hottest male trainee?" Ymir asked. Mikasa's eyes widen slightly as a small blush formed on her checks. [Name] rolled his eyes.

               "What kind of question is that?" Eren said with annoyance.

               [Name]'s (eye colour) eye met Eren's turquoise ones as [Name] nodded and looked at Ymir.

               Eren noticed his face heat up. Eren has found [Name] quiet attractive. Is Eren gay? He, himself doesn't know the answer. All he does know is that he wants to protect [Name] and maybe cuddled together. Possibly, share a kiss or two while watching the stars at night. Or romantically kill titans together. Or maybe have hot butt sex in a closet somewhere as Eren, the seme, tries to prevent [Name], the uke, from moaning too loud so he kisses him roughly but fails because [Name] deep raspy moans caused Eren to moan as well.

Ok, Eren is hella gay.

               So when Ymir asked Mikasa, a girl, about [Name]'s hotness, Eren got irritated.

               "You don't have to answer." [Name] told the flustered girl. Mikasa stayed quiet, her cheeks still red. Soon, they were engulfed in an awkward silence.

               "Why don't you guys join us?" Christa proposed, trying to ease the awkward.

               "Yeah sure," Armin said and smiled. The trio all sat down. Armin in front of Christa, Mikasa in front of Ymir, and Eren in front of [Name].

               [Name] let out a small sigh and began to eat again. Eren felt self conscious eating in front of his crush.

               The table was silent, aside from the idly chatter from the mess hall.

               Ymir did not like the silence. She really enjoys teasing [Name] and making his life miserable. After thinking for a while, Ymir thought of a perfect idea, "Oi, [Name]."

               "What now?" [Name] asked as he bit his bread.

               "You want to repay me right?" Ymir smirked. You see, Ymir once saved [Name]'s ass from the fury of Shadis and [Name], being the honorable little turd he is, said he would make it up to Ymir someday.

               [Name] narrowed his eyes and gulped his food. "Yeah?"

               Ymir smirked widely as she whispered something in [Name]'s ear. [Name]'s eyes widen, "No!"

               Ymir laughed evilly, "You owe me one, so just do it!"

               Armin, Eren, Mikasa, and Christa were all confused as they looked the two arguing. [Name]'s cheeks were coated in a light blush causing all the girls, and Eren, to squeal internally. Eren bit his lip as he saw [Name] pout and cross his arms. [Name] looked so damn adorable, he wants to hug him to death.

               After much pestering and threatening, [Name] finally gave in, "F-fine I'll do it!" Everyone in the mess hall were watching [Name] intensely.

               [Name]' face was cherry red as he leaned over the table and kissed Eren.


               Eren's eyes widen as his cheeks turned scarlet red. After a few moments later, [Name] pulled away leaving an electronic feeling on both their lips and [Name]'s cheeks still pink. It was nothing more then a simple peck but it let the two in flustered states.

               The silence was broken when Ymir bursted out laughing. "I-I can't believe you k-kissed Yeager!" She was holding her stomach as tears were beginning to form.

               [Name] glared at Ymir, "S-shut up!" He noticed that everyone was staring too, "Oi, it's rude to stare!" Instantly, everyone turned away and started to gossip, brokenheartedly, about was just happened. Christa was desperately trying to stop Ymir from falling. Armin soon composed himself and began to eat slowly. Mikasa was downright shocked and confused. Eren, was even worse. Does this mean that [Name] likes his? Why did [Name] even kiss him? Eren slowly brought his hand up to his lip, the thought of [Name]'s lips on his still being unbelievable.

               "Um [Name], what was that?" Mikasa asked, desperately wanting an answer.

               "I told [Name] to kiss the most attractive person in the room!" Ymir laughed again, "Still can't believe he kissed Yeager!"

               [Name] had a half-smiled as he saw his best friend laughing. [Name] looked over at Eren and smirked as he saw Eren touching his lip, "And I wasn't lying. Yeager is a fine piece of ass."

               Eren's head snapped up only to make eye contact with [Name]. Eren's face was deep red and [Name] smirked.

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