Into my heart that is threatening to burst out of my chest.

Whatever she's done, it's clear she's put this night together for me.

For me.

That alone is enough to make me a big puddle of goo in her hands.

I've never had anyone do anything remotely like this for me.

"Oh god." Jennie exclaims when my tears won't stop falling. "I'm so sorry."


What the hell is she talking about?

"I thought this was a good idea but I should have known it would upset you." Jennie continues as her eyes widen.

She's wrong.

So very, very wrong.

Jennie has apparently hit full panic mode and I really need to find my voice so I can assure her that I'm not the least bit upset.

Just the opposite really.

I'm surprised, nervous, excited, blown away, flabbergasted, touched, dazzled, happy, emotional, grateful, stunned, amazed and there's probably a lot more ways I could describe how I'm feeling.

But upset isn't even on my radar.

Where Soojoo's actions caused my heart to shatter, Jennie's actions have made my heart feel so full.

So full it almost hurts.

So full it spills over much like my tears.

The girl standing in front of me is every one of my dreams come true.

Every night when I'd think about my past and then think about the type of person I wished I could meet, Jennie is exactly what my mind would come up with.

And so much more.

"I can't believe I didn't realize how upsetting this would be for you." Jennie rambles on. "I never meant..."

"Jennie." I manage to say even though it takes a lot of effort on my part to get that out.

But I can't have her beating herself up because I'm so overcome by what her planning means to me.

My mind is simply boggled by how much planning this actually must have taken on her part. While I was at my mother's house feeling completely sorry for myself.

I doubted her.

And I doubted Rose.

I refuse to let myself get caught up in those thoughts.

Not now.

Not tonight.

Not when I'm standing in front of the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on.

Her beauty stems not only from her outside appearance. She's in no uncertain terms the most beautiful, amazing and utterly incredible person on the inside as well.

"To make you cry." She finishes and her face is etched in pain.

I need to put a stop to this before I'm the one upsetting her.

"Jennie." I say more forcefully to get her attention.

"Yeah?" Jennie replies and she's biting her bottom lip so hard I'm almost afraid she'll start bleeding.

She takes a step closer to me and my breathing comes to a complete stop. I was so busy looking deep into her eyes that I didn't even notice what she's wearing. That says a lot because usually the first thing on my mind is taking in her appearance.

Today I Met The Girl I'm Going To Marry | jensooWhere stories live. Discover now