Chapter 15

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I try to move my phone into my hand using my powers, but it doesn't work. Then I realize that the water I bought on the plane tasted odd. That I thought it was just the altitude. But it wasn't. It was my kryptonite.

"Baby, were in trouble." Connor holds me closer to his body, shielding me from the other two men in the car.

"I know Con. They're after me..." I whisper into his ear, barely audible.

"Then, I love you baby." He kisses my temple and grabs a knife out of his boot without the men noticing.

I take the knife from him and quietly open it, kiss him, then charge at one of the men and cut his stomach.

"Good riddance." He says to me before I punch the other in the jaw, grab our suitcases, then jump out of the door and roll away, Connor following close behind.

"Baby... what.. the hell... was that...?" Connor pants in between words as he lays on the ground, a few meters away from me.

"That's not important. Right now, we have to get back to civilization." I pick up my suitcases and start walking, retracing our path.

"Yeah..." He trails off, probably thinking to himself as he gets his things and follows me.

Scoot 🛵

Hey Nessie, you want us to come and get you?


Scoot 🛵
You gotcha. Coming over in our Tessie

Sending location

I laugh I Scott's antics before putting my phone in my back pocket and humming sing as I look at the semi-suburban area we've reached in roughly five minutes.

"Vanessa?" Connor calls my name clearly.

"Yeah Con?" I turn around and look at him.

"How'd you know where to stab that guy?"

I stop in my tracks.

"W-Well... y-you see... I... I... uhm... I-I took a self defense class! Yeah. I took it last year. Yeah." I feel sweat dripping down the nape of my neck.

Connor walks up to me and hold the back of my neck.

"You sweat here when you're lying." He looks at me, disappointment and betrayal evident in his eyes, his brows knitting together.

"I-I..." I can't make up words to counter him.

He's entirely right. I sweat there when I lie. I cant think straight while I'm doing it either.

But he makes me weaker.

"The truth." He looks me straight in my eyes.


"The truth." He repeats again, "what I want is the truth. Why you lied to me."

"I-I..." I pause and take a breath. "I can't." I close my eyes and lower my head.

"Why can't you?" His grip tightens ever so slightly.

"I-I... an oath. And oath made to an old friend." I tell him before remembering that person.

-flash back-

"Hastia!" My teacher, Janu, calls my name.

"Yes Teacher Janu?" I teleport to him, startling him as he then breaks down in laughter.

"I-I have to teach you self defense now.-"

"But teacher, I already know self-defense." I cock my head to the side.

"Fatal defense." He finished his thought.

"Ah. B-But I don't want to kill anybody." I pout slightly, eight year old me not apprehending what he is referring to.

"You will need it sometime." He says, getting up from the spotless ground.

"But, you must take an oath." He turns back to me, suddenly serious.

"Yes, Teacher Janu." I say, getting up and straightening my Obi.

- end Flashback -

"Really? To who?" Connor asks me, anger clear in his voice

"I can't tell you that either... only that he was killed." I feel my hair change color, as it does whenever I remember Teacher Janu.

"Why'd... how'd... how did your hair just do that?" He looks at my hair, then takes a bit of it and lets it sit in his hand.

"What ever do you mean?" I think of Connor and my hair goes back to ginger.

"It just- nothing." He drops it and goes back to his things, sitting down and getting into his phone.

I set my things down and cross my legs, closing my eyes and going through my memory palace.

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