Chapter 2

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-== the next morning, Vanessa's POV ==-

I get up at 6:00 and get dressed, go downstairs and make breakfast.

Once I'm done and everything is set up, I open a group chat and start to spam then, like an alarm.

I hear a lot of "Ten more minutes" From their rooms.

I walk downstairs and cover all the food in food wrap and sit down on the couch to watch Steven universe.

As I sing the ending song "Love like you" sung by Rebecca sugar, the creator, I hear a bass and a baritone come in with me. Avi and Scott sit down on either side of me.

When the song ends and sponge bob come on, I turn the tv down a bit so that I can hear them better.

"So, is Ester coming over today?" I ask dad.

"Yeah. How'd you guess?"

"No one came Down for pancakes, and usually you guys are coming Down around 7:30, and it's 8:10. Thankfully I made the pancakes last, but we should probably wake them up now." I say to them

"I'll take Kirstin, Avi, you take Kev, and Scott take Mitch." I tell them as we creep up the step and walk into their rooms.

I run up to Kirstin's bed and cuddle up to her. To wake her up.

"Pancakes are getting cold. I recommend you hurry, otherwise me and the guys will kill them before you get a chance to walk down the steps. And Ester's coming too." I say to her as I hand her an outfit.

"Fine. Save me food please." She says as she groggily gets up.

"And don't bother with your hair, I'll do it after food." I say, walking out of the room, closing the door behind me.

I run downstairs to guard the food from the boys until everyone gets downstairs.

"HEY! Don't'cha think that you should wait for me and Kirstin! Jeez, you guys have no manners sometimes." My voice drops at that last sentence. I walk in and sit down in between my dad and Kev.

Kirstie comes down a second later and sits down.

"Okay, now you can eat." I say to the guys after me and Kirstie got what we wanted.
I start to sing "I think I'm gonna like it here." and then everyone stops eating and joins in.

Once we finish singing, we all laugh.

"Now that, was fun." Kev says as he picks up his fork and eats a huge piece of pancake.

"Yeah. It sure was." I say.

-== A Week Later, At Rehearsals ==-

I watch as everyone polishes their choreography and looks at their wardrobes to choose what the'll need.

I hear a small creak coming from above the stage where everyone is currently dancing. I look up at the lights. Crap, the cables aren't holding.

"Guys! LOOK OUT!" I yell to them as all the lights start to fall on them. I focus on the big rack that is connected to the cables, then I feel all of it's weight.

I open my eyes and see that the lights all stopped just inches from their heads, and that they're staring at me like I'm crazy.

-== scott's POV ==-

We were just running through choreography when I heard a small creak above our heads. Assuming that it's just the boards reading under our weight, I just continue dancing.

12 years and famous? [DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt