Chapter 8

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"Shawn Mendes?" I ask in disbelief. He's like, my second idol (Mitch beats him by vocal range) and my first guitar idol....

"Yep. You have a guitar there, you wanna play with me?" He gestures to my case and asks me.

"Sure." I agree, then unpack after jumping the barrier and getting a surprised look from the whole crew. "I'm a parkourist." I explain to them while I get my strap on and tune quick.

"What song do you wanna do?" He asks me...

"How about Aftertaste?"

"That sounds... awesome. It's been awhile since I've had an excuse to perform it." He explains as he starts to get out the music.

"If the music's for me, you don't have to. I've got all of you song memorized."

"If you want to do the beginning, then this'll work out perfectly." He asks me, pausing getting the music out.


"Nice job! What's you name?" He asks me.

"Vanessa. Vanessa Hoying." I answer him as I unplug my guitar.

"Wait- Hoying, as in Scott Hoying? As in, baritone for pentatonix and part of Superfruit?" He asks me, smiling in disbelief.

"Yeah. He adopted me a few months ago." I explain.

I put my guitar away in its case and thank Shawn for letting me play with him, then weave through the crowd of girls and see my family- also, in a crowd of Fangirls.

"Okay everyone, sorry but we have to go now!" Mitch explains, getting some awww's, but the girls clear out and let them breathe.

"To baggage claim!" I exclaim, pointing towards where I thought baggage claim was.

"Uh... Nessa? Baggage claim's the other way..." Con says awkwardly.

"Right. It's thisa way." I say,pointing in the right direction.

----a la Time Skip ----

We got our bags, got in four different Uber's, and are checkiiingg into the hotel now.

"Room for Hoying?" Scott asks the lady at the counter. She leans towards the computer screen and finds his reservation.

"Four rooms?" She asks him.

"I booked five, miss." He says, not expecting this.

"I am sorry mr.Hoying, but there is only a reservation for four rooms, and were booked all the way to the lower-level rooms. "She explains.

"Alright then. May we have 7 key cards per room?" He asks her. She hands the envelopes to him and asks for the next person.

"Okay, here's the plan. Matt and Kevin will split a room. Me and Mitch, then Connor, Vanessa, and Kirstie will share a room."Scott says, passing around the different key cards.

We split up to our rooms, unpack, and meet up at the pool in out swim gear.


Me and Con decided to do some PK at a park we found while we were looking at the pamphlets.

He does some moves, then I repeat what he did. We continue with this for about thirty minutes.

"I'm surprised you aren't tired yet Nessa." Connor comments as he takes a HUGE gulp of his water.

"Not at all." I answer him, the do a wall flip, and land it flat.

----Connor's POV----

Nessa does another wall flip, but this time over-rotates and falls on her back and head.

"NESSA!" I yell as I run up to her and check that she's still breathing. Thank god she is. I take out my phone and call 911

"Oh dear god let her be okay." I say to myself as I cradle her head in my lap, waiting for the Ambulance to come.

---- timeskip to the hospital ---

"Mr. Zaveri, I have good and bad news..." the doctor says as he walks into the room.


"Ms. Hoying doesn't have any brain damage, but is in a coma." The Doctor tells me.

"Thanks." I thank him and he leave me next to Vanessa in her hospital bed, her breathing steady.

"Where's Vanessa!" Scott says rather loudly as he bursts into the room, the rest of PTX behind him.

"Right here. There isn't any damage, but she's- she's-" I stop trying for a second and take a deep breath.

---scotts POV---

"She's in a coma." Connor finishes his sentence, his eyes glassy as he holds her hand between his.

"How bad was her fall?" Kev asks Connor.

"She over-rotated a wall jump and landed on her head. The Doc looked surprised that she doesn't have a concussion." He explains, kissing her hand and resting his forehead on it.

"Get your hands off her." I order him. He looks at me, then sets her hand down and stays in his seat.

"Scott, she's fine. She just needs to wake up." Mitch whispers in my ear. "Plus, if we weren't dating and I was Ness, you were Con, would you be holding my hand and kissing it, hoping for me to wake up?"

"Yes." I agree, realizing what Mitchie meant.

"Then let the lovesick puppy of a boy protect your little girl. I trust him, even though we just met. But based on what Nessie told me about him, he's a nice guy who is loyal." Mitch tells me, hugging me from the side. I pulls him closer and kiss the top of his head.

"Forget what I said Connor. Protect her until the day she dies, or until she doesn't want you anymore." I tell him, everyone looking at me in shock.

"Yessir!" He says, getting up and saluting me.

"At ease?" I tell him, he sits back down and holds her hand.

"Guys, let's head back to the hotel. Scott, do you want to arrange for a transfer to an LA Hospital?" Kirstie asks me.

"Yeah. That sounds like a good idea." I say, Mitch kisses my cheek, then follows the rest. I break off and go to the doctors office to arrange for a transfer.

Hi guys!!! You all are probably hating me.... BUT IM OUT OF SCHOOL, SO ILL HAVE MORE WRITING TIME ONCE MY FAMILY LEAVES!!!!! Anyways, who says amnesia? I am considering it, and if you want it really bad, please do not hold me to it. It could or could not happen.

Au Revior.

Instagram: lunarskyptx

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