13: Guarded

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The whole rest of the day, I can't stop thinking about Jeremy.
I mean...more than usual.
He must hate me.
He probably never wants to talk to me again.
"...Helloooo? Earth to Aarynn!" Jamilla's waving her hand over my face.
"Huh? Sorry...Were you saying something?"
"What's with you anyway? You've been out of it all day."
I shrug without really responding.
"Hey, I know what'll cheer you up!" Jamilla's face brightens, then she leans in and whispers in my ear: "I have something for you. Let's go to the Star House."
School's finally over, so I nod and we both get on our bikes.
. . .
On the way to the Star House, I feel like someone's following us.
I keep glancing over my shoulder, but no one's there.
Maybe I'm just being paranoid...
. . .
When we get there, I do a double-take when I see Jeremy sitting on the front steps waiting for us.
"Jeremy?! What are you—"
"Look, I'm just here to make sure you don't do anything stupid, okay?"
He picks up the green fire extinguisher he brought with him.
Wait...why is it green?
Then I notice the familiar leaf symbol.
"Huh. I didn't know LIVEcorp makes fire extinguishers now."
"Oh, yeah...the stuff inside is 100% organic. Pretty cool, right?"
"Not as cool as what I brought for Aarynn...TA DAAA!"

Jamilla reaches into her backpack and pulls out a black surgical mask and a black hoodie with a biohazard symbol painted on the hood.
"What's that for?"
"It's your superhero disguise, duh!"
"Jamilla, I told you, I don't want to be a superhero!"
"But...but you at least need to keep your identity guarded when you're using your laser eyes. You gotta practice and learn how to control it."
"I ALREADY have control over it!"
Jamilla ducks just in time to avoid being vaporized.
"Oops...Fine, gimme the mask."

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