12: Whale

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"Fine...I don't have a choice, do I?" Jeremy's head drops in defeat. He can't look at either one of us.

And honestly, I don't blame him.
"Nope." Jamilla's mouth pops on the "p." She still has that smirk on her face.
I know she's just trying to protect me, but still...I can't help feeling bad for Jeremy.
We awkwardly part ways after that, each of us getting on our bikes and leaving in different directions.

I wonder if I should follow Jeremy home...just to make sure he's okay. But I know that'll come off as stalker-ish(!) and besides, I've done enough to him already.
. . .
The next day, Mr. Newton shows us a cool documentary about whales in Biology class. I'm surprised at how interesting it actually is, especially the part about how whales have their own legit languages.

How awesome would it be to talk to whales? 🐳🐋
Jamilla must've liked that part too, because after class she starts speaking "whale" to everyone in the hallway. I just kind of hang back and watch, because everyone else's reactions are pretty hilarious.
"HhhhHHiiiIIIIiiiii! HoooOOOOoooWwwWw aaaAaarrRRREeeee yooooOOOOOoouuuuUUUuuu???"
"What the--?" A random student gets wide-eyed and runs. Another starts laughing. Someone else actually plays along.
"IiiiiiIIIIiiiii'mmmMMMMmmm greeeEEEeeeeAaaaTt, hoooOOOooowwWW aaAAAaarrrRRReeEEEE yoooOOOoouuuUUU??"
Pretty soon everyone is either bending over in hysterics or trying to walk faster to class. I'm definitely with the first group.
That is...until I spot Jeremy in the crowd. Then I stop laughing.
He briefly makes eye contact with me as he walks past, then darts his gaze back forward. He doesn't seem amused by Jamilla's antics.
"Jeremy, wait!!" I try to catch up with him, but Jamilla pulls me to a halt.
"Leave him be. He's fine." By this time we both notice everyone staring at us.
I don't want anyone starting rumors...Stuff spreads around this school like wildfire.
"Ah...hahaha...😅 He's just jealous because he can't speak whale!"

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