07: Exhausted

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"What? What are you looking at me like that for??"
Geez, am I that obvious??
"Jeremy Martin, huh?" Mr. Newton chuckles to himself a bit. "He didn't strike me as your type."
"Jeremy?" my voice goes up a few octaves higher than usual. Better tone it down... "Noooo, no way. I have no idea what you're even talking about."
I avert my eyes, but it doesn't stop my face from turning about 2 shades pinker.
"Really now?" I can tell Mr. Newton isn't convinced. "Well, my mistake then." He shrugs and goes back to his desk, still smirking.
. . .
The rest of the day passes in a blur because I'm trying to keep myself too busy to think about what happened this morning...or last night for that matter.
By the time I get to sixth period though, all the sleep I skipped out on the night before finally catches up with me. I'm not just tired, I'm EXHAUSTED.
And listening to Mrs. Beasley drone on and on about polynomial equations isn't exactly helping me stay awake...
. . .
Why am I shaking all of a sudden? Is the ground moving??
. . .
"Come on, Aarynn, get up...GET UP!!"
*snort* "Huh...?"
Jamilla stops shaking me once she sees I'm awake.
"Aarynn! Jamilla! SOME of us are trying to learn here!" Mrs. Beasley has this vein in her forehead that twitches when she gets mad.
Her vein is twitching so violently right now I'm positive it's gonna burst this time...
"Eh hehehe...Sorry, Mrs. Beasley. I don't think Aarynn has fully recovered from...you know...Here, I'll take her to the nurse!" Jamilla smiles nervously and grabs my hand.
Before the teacher can even protest, Jamilla is already dragging me out the door.
As soon as we get to the nurse's office, Jamilla shuts the door behind us, crosses her arms, and glares me down.
"So...you wanna tell me what's going on?"

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