06: Drooling

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Just then an insanely cute laugh distracts me from the baby chicks.
I look up and make eye contact with Jeremy Martin, who just happens to be passing by in the hall with his friends, right across from the doorway.
He smiles and waves at me. "Hey, Aarynn!"
Oh no...THE Jeremy Martin just smiled at me. ME! He even said Hey!
. . .
What do I do??
"I, uh...heard you were in the hospital...You okay now?"
He's still talking to me.
. . .
Answer him, idiot!!
"Eh...hehehe...Of course, I've never been better! Ahahaha..."
I absent-mindedly put my hand on my increasingly warm face and feel...wetness.
Oh boy, I'm actually drooling...Wait, this is no way to look in front of the hottest guy in school! 😱
Get it together, Aarynn!!
I quickly turn away and wipe the drool off with my sleeve.
"I mean, uh...Yeah, of course. Turns out it wasn't anything serious." I shrug my shoulders as nonchalantly as I can.
"Good. Glad to hear it wasn't as bad as everyone was saying it was." (that SMILE! 😍)
"Wait, what was everyone saying?" Still trying to act cool. I really hope I'm just coming off as mildly curious.
"Oh, you know--"
**the stupid bell rings**
"Sorry, I gotta get to class..."
"Right...well..." Ugh. What do I say now?
"See you around, okay?"
"Okay! Um...yeah, see ya!" I'm totally failing at this whole 'acting cool' thing.
I barely remember to wave bye to him as he disappears in the crowd of other students in the hallway.
When I turn back around, Mr. Newton has this huge, knowing grin on his face.

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