09: Precious

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I get to the Star House first, and stash my bike in the overgrown jungle of bushes. The lock on the front door has long since rusted away so I push it open and go right inside.
One of the great things about this house is that almost everyone in town thinks it's haunted. Of course it isn't, but still...no one will even go near the place. That's why the Star House has been Jamilla's and my precious secret hideout ever since we discovered it in in the third grade.
The place is just as creepy and awesome as I remember--except with even more dust and cobwebs everywhere. Of course the lights don't work, but there's enough sun filtering through the dirty and broken windows to give us a few more hours of light.
That is...if Jamilla can hurry up and get here already!
[where r u??]
[sry...i had 2 take care of something after math class. 😅long story. omw!]
That's a relief! I'll have to get the rest of the story from her later.
Well...maybe I can use this alone time to practice. Can I even control this laser vision thing?
I try to re-create what happened last night, visualizing the giant spider crawling up the wall again. I aim my eyes at the imaginary spider and...
Nothing happens.
Was I dreaming last night? No...I KNOW this is real. There's a burn mark on my bedroom wall to prove it.
Come on!! Focus...focus...
Maybe I need to aim for something real. 🤔Hmmm...what can I destroy?
There's an old plant pot on the windowsill with nothing but dirt left in it. Perfect.
Setting the pot on the floor, away from the windows, I try it again.
I cover my face as the pot shatters into a million pieces and dirt flies all over the room. Success!
A blood-curdling scream nearly pierces my eardrums. Jamilla?
"Sorry to scare you Jamilla, but this is what I was--"
I turn back towards the window and jump ten feet backwards when I lock eyes with...

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