04: Spell

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I cover up the burn mark with a poster that I took off from another wall...Maybe Mom won't notice.
There's only one way to find out what the heck just happened to me...
I grab my tablet and go straight to Google.
"effects... of... nipenthese... fluid... in... eyes"

[Did you mean: effects of nepenthes fluid in eyes?]
Okayyy...so I clearly can't spell "nepenthes." Thanks, Google Autocorrect. 🙄
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I stay up the right of the night scrolling through 20 pages of useless results.
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Seriously? Am I really the only one this has ever happened to??
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Wait...DUH! Aubrey's not just a regular Nepenthes. She's a cross-hybrid. Which means...
...The only person who'll probably know what really happened is Mr. Newton.
But...how do I even explain this??

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