"Are you having fun?" Levy asked as she sat down in the same table with the rune mage. Of course it was obvious they couldn't drink any alcohol but they were alright with just juice and water.

"Yes", he smiled. "It is so nice to see everybody having fun. Congratulations, Levy", he said and Levy chuckled.

"You already knew this", she reminded.

"I know, but I still wanted to say it", Freed smiled. "It seems that Gajeel took the news pretty well."

"I'm almost scared of how well", Levy giggled. "But I'm glad. He said that he had been wondering for a while about my scent."

"Your scent?"

"Yes. He said it was different, but he didn't know why."

"Interesting", Freed murmured. "Well of course it makes sense that hormones would affect the natural scent. They can smell it when one is stressed, scared, happy or similar. So obviously pregnancy with it's strong hormone surges is something they notice easily."

He quickly looked at Levy and now he was a little bit scared.

"They might notice", he repeated.

"Right now they are so drunk I don't believe they could notice anything", Levy giggled. "Don't worry, Freed. Even if they do notice, I don't believe they would say anything."

"Maybe not Gajeel", Freed huffed. "And Natsu is simple minded enough not to maybe understand, but he might blurt something out and then someone else might realise it."

"You're thinking it too much. Have you yet read any of those books I listed?"

"No, not yet."

"You should. Have you yet noticed anything different happening?"

"Hmm... I seems it is kind of a challenge to try and control all of my feelings", Freed confessed with a slight blush and Levy chuckled.

"Is that all? You're lucky", she smirked. "Obviously you haven't yet experienced the morning sickness in it's full glory."

"Is it really that horrible?"

"You have no idea. I've had it already two weeks. It was the reason I started to wonder if I was pregnant."

"I see, this is just getting better and better", Freed muttered. "Um... Do you happen to know when... Ahem..."

"The pregnancy starts to be visible to others? Usually after three months at least. But it really depends, not everyone gets a big baby belly", Levy smiled. "Who knows."

"Three months..." Freed murmured. Laxus would return in five weeks, if everything goes well. He would be then in his eleventh week. If he was lucky, it wouldn't then yet be visible. But if it took longer for Laxus to return... It would be hard to try hide it.

He sighed and rubbed his face.

"I think I might as well go to the Guild's library to read, then", he said. "Or do I have to head to the library in town?"

"No, there are two of those books I listed", Levy smiled. "Rest you have to find from the town's library, but it is a good start."

"Yes", Freed nodded and he stood up. "Seriously, he's about to be a father but you could easily mistake him to a sponge in a barrel", he huffed looking at Gajeel who was laughing hard with others.

"Let him have his fun", Levy giggled. "When the baby is born, we can't do things spontaneously or party until morning and stuff. Would you say to Laxus he's not allowed to have a party if he wants to do so after he hears the news?" she asked and Freed smiled.

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