Coming Fall 2014

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"So then Ponds were should we be off to next?" The Doctor laughed running around the console like a hyper active puppy. "We could go and see the Rivers of Shani, or the Dancing Trees of the Forest  Andrel, or we can go to seventeenth century England and meet Queen Elizabeth I. There's always been something about her that I could never place."

"Doctor." Amelia Pond interupted his rambling spree. She grabbed his shoulders so that he would have to face her directly before she said. "Just pick a place and fly the TARDIS."

"Well don't you want to have some say so I'm just not dragging you around to random planets?" He asked his friend and her husband who stood behind her.

"Well in all fairness that is what you do." His voice had a tone that said that what he was saying was extremly obvious. "When you actually do ask where we want to go you always tell us it's the wrong choice and go somewhere completely different." 

The Raggedy Man gave an offended expression but then realized the truth of the statement when he saw the faces of his two best friends. "Alright so maybe I don't always do what I'm told. To be fair I was never that way. I've had one-thousand years to form bad habits."

Amy took in a deep breath. One- thousand  years one hundred and three years until the lake side. Until the Doctor dies. It killed her everyday to see him bouncing about not a care in the world when she knew that he was one adventure closer to laying on the lake side as she cried over him.

Rory knew what she was thinking, he had seen that face many times before. So he tried to change the subject quickly so his wife would think about something else. "So then where do you plan to take us."

Even the Doctor seemed to pick up on his friends mood change but put it in his metal file of things to worry about later. "Right then Forests of Andrel it is!" Or at least that's what he thought. A blinding white light filled the TARDIS and as it faded the three companions were gone.


Sherlock layed on the couch with his blue dressing gown his hands were clasped in front of his face. His eyes were closed but his mind was racing. Running through deductions and thoughts as though they were pages in a book. He was now thinking of everything that had happened in this latest case he was working on with John.

How could a man be stabbed inside of a shower stall locked from the inside? All of the facts jumbled themselves inside of his mind making it hard to think. Usually John was there to focus him but he was living with his soon to be wife.

The detective stood up hoping that getting some blood circulation would reboot his mind. Ruffling his hair out he took a look around his flat wedding invitiations and color palets for bridesmaids dresses. He made a little sneer of disgust his flat had been turned into a wedding magaine.

"Sherlock!" His blogger yelled as he entered 221B. "Sherlock are you here?"

"Of course I'm here John. I only have one case and it's not going any where." Sherlock was getting frustrated now and pulled out a gun from his dressing gown pockets. He put a few rounds into the smiley face on the wall before John made it up the flight of stairs.

"Christ Sherlock! Do you always have to shoot things!" John yelled with his fingers in his ears over his friends compulsive shooting. Ms.Hudson was going to have a fit again.

Shelock took a break from shooting to stand up for himself. "I'm a high functioning sociopath John it's what we do."

"Being a sociopath has nothing to do with it. You being bored or clueless does."

"I'm not clueless I'm just momentarily unsure." Sherlock waved the gun around carelessly. John quickly grabbed it out of his hands and clicking on the safety, he was starting to get tired of Sherlocks shit.

"You know wouldn't spontaneously combust if you just admitted you didn't know."John sighed as he flopped himself down into his chair and Sherlock perched himself in his chair paraell to him.

"No murder is perfect John, they all have flaws that make it easy to find the culprit. I just haven't found it yet, but I will." But that's when the room filled with white light leaving the room uninhabited.


Sam and Dean Winchester sat inside their bunker at surrounded by books from hours of searching on some sort of lead for what the next trial was. Though they knew the only way they would figure out what the second trail was is Kevin decoding it but that was taking to lond for either of them to be patient for.

"Son of a bitch there isn't anything here." Dean threw the latest book he had skimmed through on the pile of unhelpful journals and lore.

"Well it was a long shot Dean." Sam sighed throwing his useless book aside and running his hands over his face. He was exhausted he couldn't fall asleep because he felt as though his lungs were caving in on themselves. It came in sudden flashes and resulted in a trash bin filled with bloody tissues.

"Yeah I know but does it have to be the strangest thing for us to have some good luck." The older Winchester sighed before going to poor himself another drink. He poured the amber liquid into his crystal glass courtesy of the Men of Letters. He held out the bottle to Sam who shook his head not in the mood for a drink.

"Come on Dean we haven't had good luck since I was six months old. Why would that change now?" He asked as the room filled with the same white light and the only sound in the entire bunker was for Deans glass falling on the floor.

Alright guys this is alot of stuff but it's important so bare with me.

Hey guys so this is the sneak peak for the sequel for SuperWhoLock: The Beginning so in fall be on the look out for SuperWhoLock: The Empty Planet

It's set after Let's Kill Hitler for Doctor Who, after Trial and Error for Supernatural, and before The Sign of Three for Sherlock

Follow me for more updates when they come and make sure to add this story so you know when I make the sequel cause I'll post a chapter about it

If you like this check out my other stories The Lady of the Stars and on quotev I have my original work Even After and Chasing Life the link is on my profile page.

To pass the time check out my reading lists I have some really good fics in there I'll post my favs down below.

Doctor Who- A Losing Game and it's sequels by sherl0cked

Supernatural- The Hunter's Girl by deans-snow-angel

Sherlock- Believe In Sherlock by Whovian27

SuperWhoLock- SuperWhoLock by i_married_a_dalek

Ask me anything you want in the comments my ultimate otp, fav episode of whatever, whether I watch something or not. I have nothing else to do. (except write but gotta love distractions)

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