Chapter 13: Sympathy

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Eau watched the surveillance footage of the younger of the Winchesters. I was unnerving to watch him yelling at the walls, she knew that ‘the procedure’ had some side effects, but it was still strange to see. She felt bad for him, which was weird he was just some human they need to get their ship running a mean to an end.

But after hearing his story of how he screwed up it was hard not to sympathize. They were so alike. She wanted to help him but she had orders. Which was the same thing that she told herself when she helped murder an entire planet.

“Screw it.” She whispered to herself before heading to the teleport machine. She was going to make a very unwelcome appearance which probably get her killed.




The morning sun burned its way through Rose’s eyelids telling her it was time to wake up. Opening her eyes she say a figure blurred by her own sleepiness, but after her vision cleared she saw her own self standing in front of her.

“Doctor!’ The real Rose screamed. Her clone looked nervous when she called for the Doctor. Though strangely she didn’t attack Rose, or drug her which she was fairly grateful for.

Dean smashed through the door that attached their rooms a handgun at the ready. The Doctor came behind, Sherlock and John also came through the front door. Apparently she had screamed louder than she originally thought.

“You.” Dean said recognizing her as the person who stole his brother. He deactivated the safety on his gun “Bad move.”

She raised her hands in surrender. “Please, I came to help.” We all gave her a strange look. “I want to help you get your brother back.”

“Really?” Dean’s hands didn’t shake even though his voice did with rage. “You want to help us get him back, because last I checked you were the one that drugged him and took him.”

“I was following orders.” She said sternly.

“Yeah I know how that goes. Anyway adios bitch.” He got ready to shoot when the Doctor stepped in front of the gun.

“Dean, she’s our best chance of getting your brother back.” The Doctor put a hand over the barrel of the gun and pushed it gently down so it was no longer pointing at him. “We need her.”

Dean hesitated for a moment before you could hear the click of the handguns safety turning back on. “You got five minutes, and if I don’t like what I hear I will shoot you, got it?” He glared so unnervingly that Rose’s copy barely shake her head in acknowledgment.

The Doctor turned over to the Laterdine and much gentler than Dean started to question her. “What’s your name?”

Nervously she answered. “Eau, just Eau. I’m part of the Laterdine special forces. It was my task to get Samuel Winchester and bring him back to base.” She turns her attention to Dean her eyes sparkling with new tears. “I swear though I didn’t know they would do this to him though.”

Dean’s eyes widened and he took a step forward. “What do you mean? What did you do to him?”

“Dean, why don’t you sit down.” The Doctor said not taking his eyes off of Eau. Dean did back off but he didn’t sit down, rather just leaned against the wall. “What happened to Sam?”

Eau took a deep breath. “We used a process called Tongora on him.”

The Doctor took a deep breath showing his recognition of it. “Tongora? That was outlawed by the Shadow Proclamation centuries ago.” After noticing some questioning looks from the every human in the room the Doctor said. “Tongora is a certain procedure where you can take out someone's memories and sort of store them on a single hard drive.”

“I told Hanji, my commander, not to do it; but he insisted. But there are side effects and the last I saw of your brother he was having some pretty bad hallucinations.”

“Dammit.” Dean whispered under his breath. “That’s not the side effects.” He ran his hands over his face, if his brothers memories where all gone he would have no idea how to get rid of the hell induced hallucinations which apparently stuck around.

Eau looked confused but before she could say anything Sherlock asked a question. “How did you find us?”

Eau rolled her eyes. “Honestly I thought you were supposed to be smart. You really thought we would lose you? We don’t need little coins to track you. “

“How do we know we can trust you?” The Doctor looked deep into the fake Rose’s eyes to catch any hint of a lie.

“Because.” Eau started. “I helped destroy a planet and everyone on it, and I regret it everyday. And before I took Sam he told me of how he released Lucifer, I sympathized with him.”

“Sympathy.” Sherlock whispered with disdain.

“So then are you ready for my help?”

“Yep.” The Doctor nodded. “Your our spy, oh I’ve always wanted a spy.” He said gleefully, then grew serious. “But you're going to have to change into a different form.”

Eau sighed before changing quickly and effortlessly into the form of a twenty or something woman with long black hair and grey eyes. “Are we ready now.”

“Yeah, I guess we are.” Dean still had a glare stuck on her, but he would have to put this away for Sammy’s sake.

Alright people I was thinking I'm going to have a poll for which character I should bring back or add in the next chapter. To vote just write in the comments the options are

A) Castiel

B) Zachariah

C) Meg

D) Death

E) Anderson

Alright and if I don't get any votes, which I hope I do, I will be extremely upset and not out any of them in it. So vote!

Also make sure to vote for this chapter, comment (about the chapter) and follow.

P.S. I do follow back!!!

P.P.S (or is it P.S.S?) give me some book recommendations for any good Doctor Who, Sherlock, Supernatural, or Superwholock fanfics. Okay now I'm done

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