Chapter 11: Catching Up

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(A/N) hi just me fixing the Doctor's age. This age is based off of things that ten said in Voyage of The Damned and The Day Of The Doctor

Sherlock sat in one of the wing-back chairs in the back of the room taking in his surroundings, the way the blankets were tucked into the crevices of the two beds that sat on the opposite side of the room. But no matter how much he tried to ignore it he couldn’t help but notice John pacing back and forth in front of the beds.

“You’re pacing.” He said with a blank look on his face. This distraction made John stop and look at him quizzically.

“Yes I’m pacing.”

“Stop, it’s distracting.” Sherlock clasped his hands together and set his elbows on the side of the chair, thinking hard.

“Well I’m sorry if I’m distracting you, since apparently the whole bloody universe going topsy turvy isn’t a distraction at all.” He vented.

“Thank you.” He said quietly staring at nothing. John pulled one of the wooden chairs in front of Sherlocks so he was in his line of sight, making Sherlock concentrate on the conversation.

“Seriously, Sherlock, how is none of this freaking you out? I mean angels, demons, bloody aliens! You base your life on hard core facts, and now we’ve stepped into a world where facts don’t apply.”

Sherlock gave John his patented ‘you’re so ignorant look’. “The facts still apply, John, they just got changed. Besides this is the most interesting case we have gotten in a while.”

“Because Moriarty isn’t a big enough threat for you? The man strapped a bomb to my chest Sherlock!”

“Yes, but his case has been quiet for months now. This game just got started.”

“Sher-” John started but had to take a second to calm down, and started again in a calm yet angry tone. “Sherlock, this is not a game. Dean’s brother just got kidnapped by a demon and shape shifting aliens. Please try to understand why this is bigger than what you and me are capable of.”

“So you're suggesting we drop the case.” Sherlock twisted John’s words who shook his head knowing that they wouldn’t be able to leave this unfinished. “Like you said Sam Winchester is missing so where do we start?” He quizzed his friend.

“Speak with the family see who would have wanted him that much?”

“Close except they didn’t want Sam.” He looked at John expectantly.

“He wanted the Doctor.” John stood up and grabbed his jacket which he placed on the bed earlier. “I say it’s time we go talk to the Doctor.”




Dean walked back into the motel room after his phone call with Bobby, he felt a little better than he did a few hours ago. The Doctor walked back into their room from the adjoining room that Rose was staying in.

“How she doing?” Dean asked himself feeling like crap after the drugging. He sat down on the edge of the bed facing the Doctors.

“Oh, she’ll be fine just a nights rest and she will be up to full stride. Which you should to.” Dean laughed under his breath, not five hours ago this guy, alien, whatever, was biting his head off now he was telling him he needed to rest.

“Yeah, but what did you mean when you said you’ve never seen a demon in eight hundred years? How old are you?” Dean looked at the man who looked to be in his mid thirties.

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