Chapter 10: Going to War

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When Sam woke up he had no idea where he was. The room he was in was dark and perfectly square, not a seam in the walls. Nor were there any windows in the deep gray walls, come to think of it as far as he could see not a single nail interrupting the grayness of the room. Which was impossible considering there was also no door, as if the room had been built around him.

He was laid out in the middle of the room underneath the only light, a circular white dot on the ceiling. His head hurt like someone had beat it with a mace from the inside, pain coming in throbbing waves crashing into his skull. Looking back he tried to remember the last thing he could before this room.


He couldn’t think of anything, not what happened an hour ago, not what

happened a day ago, not even what happened a week ago. The last thing he

remembered was recovering at Bobby’s after being attacked by Leviathans.

Frantically he sat up, which was a mistake, sending more horrible waves of agony to his head. Looking back at his last memory he saw Castiel becoming God, that wasn't right it was different just a minute ago.

“What the hell is going on?” He pondered out loud. Before thinking of his brother who would probably be freaking out not knowing where he was, he reached for his cell phone only to discover it was no longer in his coat pocket. “Great.” He sighed before looking for a way out of this room.

“You won’t find it.” Crowley’s voice rang out behind him, Sam turned around surprised and in a fighting stance ready to attack. “Oh please, what are you going to do Moose you got no magic knife.” He grinned at his captured prey.

“Where the hell am I Crowley and where is Dean?”

“What’s the last thing you remember?” Sam gave a questioning glance at the

King of Hell.

“Why do you want to know?” Crowley took a step towards him and Sam took a step back mirroring his movement. “Why the hell would you care?”

“Answer the question Moose, I want to see what my partner in crime can do.” Sam tilted his head as a confused dog would. He had no idea what the crossroads demon wanted. “Come on tell me or I will make you, and you know I am capable of it.”

Sam glared and hesitated for a moment before looking back to last thing he could remember. “It was, um, meeting Dean with the shapeshifter baby, that can’t be right.” The last memory of his he could have sworn had been… He couldn’t remember. “What they hell did you do to me? Why can’t I remember anything?”

Crowley smiled. “It’s amazing what a little extra terrestrial technology can do these days.”

“Extra terrestrial as in,”

“E.T., UFO’s, little green men, the whole deal. You see we needed you to not be a threat because even in a room without a door a Winchester can still escape. But lucky enough they have this nifty little procedure that just takes memories.” He grabbed at thin air with his hand to mime them taking Sam’s memories. “And sooner rather than later you will be nothing but a giant clueless human just like the rest.” Then he was gone. Sam walked up to where Crowley had once been, they were really in some deep crap this time.




Crowley stood in the surveillance room screens littering the walls of every hallway in the ship, and in the middle, of the cell. Luen sat in front of all of the screens keeping an eye on as many of them at the same time as possible. She knew of the demons presence but didn’t acknowledge him, to be perfectly honest she feared the demon he could easily kill her, and he knew of her fear.

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