Chapter 7: Trojan Horse

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Hanji waited for Crowley ready for the plan to get started. He shoulder and shoulder to one of his best soldiers who had now taken the appearance of young Rose Tyler. They had been waiting there for over an hour waiting for the arrogant demon to show up.

“Well then shall we get this show on the road.” Crowley had now appeared behind them. Standing there soaked in arrogance.

“About time you showed up.” Hanji was never kept waiting for so long before. “Where were you?”

“A place I like to call none of your business. Shall we get started.” He turned to the Rose look alike. “I see you’ve found our Trojan horse.”

“My name Eau.” She didn’t bother put her hand out to shake it with a demon. “I still don’t understand why we aren’t going after the Doctor why even bother with the Winchester?”

“From what I understand the Doctor is a very slippery character. So we’re going to make him come to us.”

“How do we know taking this boy will bring the Doctor to us.”

“Because the Winchesters are desperately co-dependent. Trust me it’s the chink in her armor and it will get them every time. Trust me you get one the other will come running.”

“The plan is flawless Eau just get in, grab him, and get out.” Hanji handed her a dart gun filled with the most powerful tranquilizer they had.

“Alright then let’s do this.” She punched in the new coordinates they got from the tracker that Crowleys demon placed on one of the boys in the fight. Then with a flash of light she was gone.




“The hell are we?” Dean asked looking around at what looked like a fancy cabin. Complete with fancy lighting and furniture.

“We’re at one of my brothers safe houses.” Sherlock made himself comfortable sitting in one of the fancy chairs.”

“Why does your having a mansion in the woods not surprise me.” John said sitting in the chair in front of Sherlocks.

“Alright I’m going to go check out the what weapons we got.” Sam grabbed all of the duffel bags and headed off to find a room where he could check his weapons. Rose looked after him and then turned to go and find a bedroom to take a nap in. She was just about to lay down when a flash of light came from behind her. Startled she turned around to see herself.

“What is going? Who are you?” Rose asked herself but wasn’t  with anything but being shot with a dart to her neck. Within a few seconds she was unconscious.

“Step one. Now on to step two.” Eau pulled out a piece of her hair and ingested it. Using the hair to gain all of her memories as skilled Latirdine could. She opened the door and headed out. Nearly running into Dean.

“Oh hello Dean.” She said with a smile.

“I thought you were going to sleep?”

“No. Well I tried, just couldn’t.” She forced another smile. “Where is Sam?”

“He’s in the basement.” Dean said with a questioning look. Eau ignored that and started towards the basement. When she got there Sam was sitting next to a fire place laying all of the weapons out on the coffee table in front of him. He stopped when he noticed her presence.

“Rose.” He said to show he noticed her presence and went back to organizing and cleaning weapons. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing I was just seeing what you were up to.” She then remembered the talk that Rose and Sam had earlier. “And I wanted to ask you something.”

“Like what?” Sam put down the weapons to look at who he thought was Rose. Eau sat in the couch across from him.

“Like how do you go about losing your soul?” Sam sighed and looked down. Eau knew she didn’t need to ask him these things, but she was always one for playing with her food.

“I told you it’s the job.”

“Yeah and I worked at a shop and didn’t lose my soul. Well not completely.” Sam laughed at her joke and was silent for a minute before speaking again.

“I made a mistake and let out Lucifer from his cage. I started the apocalypse, this apocalypse actually, and there was only one way to fix it.”

“Losing your soul.”

“No I had to let Lucifer take me as his vessel.”

“What does that even mean?”

“Angels can’t manifest on earth they need a body, a human body. But you have to give him your consent to jump in. I had a plan say yes to Lucifer and shove him back into hell. It worked.” Sam grabbed his left hand with his right and pushed his thumb nail into a scar. “I was in hell with Lucifer and his pissed off brother who I happened to take with me, and trust me when I say being a heavenly stress toy isn’t fun.”

“But how did you lose your soul?”

“I was pulled out of Hell but the person who saved me left my soul behind.” He shook his head as if to shake away a bad memory. “So while My body was up here making havoc my soul was in hell.”

“How long.” Eau wasn’t supposed to get emotional but you couldn’t help it when you heard his story. She had come into this mission thinking it would be as straightforward as things were back before the Latirdine’s biggest mistake. But she was starting to relate with the earth boy. Enough she told herself she had a job to do.

“A year and a half.” He said in a voice that was almost a whisper.

“And where was Dean?”

“He living with an old flame of his. My dying wish for him was to live a normal life.”

“Must of been hell for him knowing you were in hell.”

“Yeah it was I’m sure. I remember him telling me about how he tried to get me out. Even after I told him not to, it was dangerous for him to poke at Lucifer’s cage.”

“But he did anyways.” Sam nodded and Eau nodded before standing up. “ I think you’ll do nicely Sam Winchester.”

“Nicely for what?” Sam asked with an awkward smile. When Eau pulled out her dart gun.

“A hostage.” Sam stood up quickly bumping in to the coffee table.

“You aren’t Rose.”

“No, but I do think I played her very convincingly.” Sam looked nervous. “Oh relax she’s fine. Besides if I were you I would worry about your self.” She was about to shoot another dart when Sam flipped the coffee table up hitting her shins and almost knocking her on her back. Quickly she shot Sam in the chest with a dart. He staggered for a moment before falling to the ground.

“Sam?” Dean ran down the stairs towards all the commotion the Doctor following.

“Rose what are you doing?” The Doctor looked at her confused to see the gun in her hand. Quickly she shot Dean in the chest who fell backwards from the effect of the drugs. The Doctor caught him and lowered him to the ground.

“Yeah not Rose.” She pushed a button her teleport device she hid in her back pocket earlier. Grabbed Sam and left hearing the Doctor scream at her to stop as she left.




Landing back on the teleport device of the ship she dropped the back of Sam’s jacket letting him drop to the floor. Hanji and Crowley looked at her happy.

“I take it the mission went well.” Hanji said looking at Sam’s limp body.

“Just as planned.” Eau watched as two guards grabbed Sam a dragged him off to his cell.

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