Chapter 5: Sinister Grin

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Back upstairs the company were getting ready to leave. Everyone was there except Castiel, who was on a supply run for some angel ready weapons. Sherlock and Watson both grabbed revolvers; while Sam and Dean grabbed every weapon they could have on them without raising suspicion. Leaving the Doctor and his companion sitting as far away as they could from the weapons.

“Alright Jacob thanks for the party favors.” Dean shook his hand after stowing away the last of his weapons.

“My pleasure Dean; now do me a favor. Give the hell.” The door smashed in pushing Jacob back. His bones smashed with a sickening noise. Four men with black eyes waked in one standing in front of the others.

“Winchester.” He snarled walking towards Dean when a shot came out leaving a bleeding wound in the demon's chest. He barely flinched. The demons directed could glare at John whose gun was still raised. “That pea shooter won’t kill me.”

“Yeah?” Dean snarled as he pushed Ruby’s knife through him. Hell fire blazed inside him then he dropped. The rest of them attacked; one of them attacked Dean knocking him into the other room. While the other two attacked the rest. Sam made his way in front of the group holding a knife out defensively; even though he knew it wouldn’t do any good.

“There is no need for violence.” The Doctor said holding his hands out in a peaceful gesture. “Just tell us what you want.” Crashing from the kitchen told that Dean fight was still going.

“Well since you asked so nicely. What I want is to peel off all of your skin.” He advanced. Sam slashed at him with the demon caught it and disarmed him the continued to fight. John and Sherlock attempted to apprehend the second demon but were easily pushed aside. The demon advanced to the Doctor and Rose.

“Doctor.” Rose said frightened but not leaving his side to even hide behind him. The demon just laughed at her fear and continued until he stopped dead in his tracks. He tried to continue but couldn’t.

“Damnit!” He yelled his voice momentarily distorted.

“Curious.” Sherlock said examining the demon and his sudden halting. When he was shaken from his musings by Sam and Deans on going fights. “John!”

“Yeah.” He said knowing what Sherlock was about to tell him. He went into the kitchen to help Dean in his fight. The demon had knocked Dean to his knees and was about to kick him in the gut when John grabbed him wrapping his arms around his shoulders to get a good grip on him. When Dean stood up and stabbed the knife through him. His eyes flickered before he fell dead. A bright white light shown through the doorway. When they ran into the main room to see Castiel, Sam, and Sherlock stood around the demons smoking body. Dean noticed the stuck demon who the Doctor was studying curiously. He lifted up the rug he was standing on which just happened to have a devils trap under it.

“Jacob you never cease to amaze.” Dean exclaimed setting the rug down. Jacob didn’t reply though. “Jacob?” Dean turned to see him still laid down beneath the door. Sam and Dean ran over to him and checked him over.”His neck is broken.”

“Well I’ve got the three musketeers here.” The brothers and Castiel stood in front of him while the rest stood behind. Expressions curious instead of frightened. “What can I do for you merry bunch.”

“Why are you here?” Dean asked him playing with his knife intimidatingly. “Either tell me by your self or I’ll cut the truth out of you.”

“That’s enough.” The Doctor said from the corner. Not loud enough for Dean to here or not just pretended not to.

“You got five seconds before I start.”

“Dean that is enough!” He yelled it this time.

“You know what.” Dean sighed putting the knife in his jacket. “We need to talk, alone, right now.” He took off to the basement Doctor in tow. He waited until the he was filled with anger but never shouted.

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