Chapter 3: Blast to Dust

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Sherlock Brought Sam and Dean to the crime scene saying that they were his colleagues from America coming to help on the case. Sam and Dean Smith were the aliases the boys choice, not as creative as Jimmy Page or Dean's personal favorite Jack Mahogoff. But those were the days that Leviathans weren't on their asses, which are these days? Just thinking about it made Dean's head hurt.

Getting past the uniformed officers was easy enough after years of lying and misdirecting. So they were now heading down the hallway of the late owners house. A detective stood at a doorway; he had steel grey hair and just glowed with that detective aurora that Sam and Dean were so used to seeing.

"John. Sherlock." He greeted the consultants before shaking hands with the fake ones. "These must be the Americans. Hello I'm Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade."

"Agents Sam and Dean Smith; no relation. We heard that you had something strange."

"Well strange is definitely a work for it." He grabbed the handle of the door and led them in. "Be warned this isn't a sight for the weak of heart." It wasn't.

Blood was everywhere it was on the ceiling on the walls; it was dried now crusted over every surface it touched. In the middle of what used to be the owners bedroom would have been the body, if the coroner had not taken it away. The room smelled a smell that the Winchesters knew too well.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Lestrade said catching the boys attention from the room. The Doctor stood in the doorway with a large grin on his face.

"Hello I'm the Doctor I was sent by the queen to investigate this. Here-" he held up a piece of paper in a leather wallet. "Is my credentials, and this-" he stepped aside to reveal Rose standing behind him, "is my partner Rose Tyler." Lestrade stepped aside letting them in. "If you don't mind stepping out so I can talk with my other colleagues."

"Alright I'll just be on my way then. " He said before leaving the 'detectives' to their business. "Call me if you get any leads, and Sherlock don't mess up my crime scene.

"Who did this?" Rose voiced her horror in the bloody remains of the room.

"Not who what." The Doctor wondered around the room taking the gruesome picture in. "I have ten ideas, well five, well three. Well whats this?" He questioned whipping his finger on a window sill to pick up the yellow dust. "It's sulfur."

"Dammit." Dean said under his breath. He looked closer at the foul smelling substance.

"What do you know what this is?" The Doctor had never heard of anything that left sulfur residue in its wake, and the Doctor not knowing something was unlikely at best. But someone else knowing what that thing was, that was even more unlikely.

"Yeah demons, and with what's left of our guy right here I'd say a pretty strong one." He laughed a little then looked at his brother. "Next thing you know we're going to have a horde of angels on our asses."

"It's the apocalypse Dean we do have a horde of angels on our asses." Sam reminded his brother of the fact that not only did they have demons and E.T. to worry about, but they had all of heaven after them to be vessels.

"Right, thats great heaven and hell's most wanted almost forgot."

"Wait did you say angels?" John said. "There are such things as angels?"

"Yeah trust me don't get too excited." Dean said dryly. In all of Dean's life he had only met three decent angels. But they either all died, tried to kill him or his brother, or became a god killing a huge amount of people before dying and letting Purgatory's most wanted out in the world.

"But angels aren't real." The Doctor started explaining. "They're myths, stories every culture has, same as demons."

"It's a bold new world Doctor, and trust me you don't want to meet either of them. They would both rip your face off like everything else."

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