Chapter 6: Oldest Rivalry

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While Dean and the Doctor were downstairs working out some sort of treaty the rest of the party continued to interrogate the demon who’s smirk never faded when it asked. “Trouble in Paradise?”A cold glint of amusement in it’s eyes which had a glimpse of steel. They were as unnerving as the black ones.

“Fine.” Sherlock got the demons attention but it never turned to look at him. He looked at the demon gaining all the knowledge about it that he could. Soon he knew almost everything about him.

“Either you tell us why your are here or else you will never see your family again. Or go back to your comfy suburban house with your children and wife. How’s the dog by the way? Those german shepherds do have so many knee issues.” The demon laughed at his threat.

“Just can’t find the hunters these days can you Sam? I mean where did you find this one begging for change on the corner?” Sam hid his frustrations from the demon well, but they both knew how untrained everyone else was. They would just have to learn the rules on the way.

“Demons don’t have bodies they posses people.” Sam noticed Castiel looking annoyed because of the interruptions.

“So that’s a person, a real person?” Rose looked at the man who was taken from his life. Then around at the three bodies on the floor. “Were they all humans to?” Sam nodded.

“That’s what the holy water was for when we first met. You see holy water burns demons like acid but it’s harmless to humans. If you were possessed we would have known.”

“And killed us?” Rose looked at Sam who looked at her sadly. Because he knew he would have. Lucky Sam didn’t have to answer because the demon spoke again.

“Just can’t find the hunters these days can you Sam. Not everyone can be born with demon blood can they.” Sam didn’t say anything he knew that demons liked to push his buttons. “And not everyone can be raised with holy water in hand and a shotgun in the other.”

“Enough.” Castiel said he angel sword sliding from inside of his sleeve into his hand. “Tell us why you're here.” The demons eyes flicked black.

“And why would I do that?”

“Because if you don’t I will kill you.”

“You’ll kill me anyways I know who you are Castiel you’re pretty famous down in hell. The fallen angel who rebelled to stop the end. How did that go by the way?” Cas raised his angel blade to the demons throat. “Well here we are the oldest rivalry in the book.”

“Don’t be afraid of him be afraid of us.” Sam said walking to the edge of the devil trap.

“Why would I be afraid of you Winchester?”

“Because I’m the person who decides if yo get to die quickly or slowly.” He thought this over a little before he flicked his eyes back to the distant grey color.

“There isn’t much to the story heard the Winchesters were in town and I couldn’t resist.”

“I thought we had some kind hands off policy going on.” Sam got curious glances from the group but didn’t say anything on the subject.

“That applied to present Sam and Dean not future.”

“How do you know,”

“You’re Back From the Future. We have our sources.” He laughed in glee as he said. “It’s hunting season boys and girls and this time you’re the prey.” They stood there watching him for a while before Sam went to go and disrupt Dean and the Doctor’s domestic. When he filled in his brother in on everything Dean told him to exorcise him.

“You want to let him go?” Sam was befuddled by Dean’s request. Dean looked at the Doctor then back at Sam.

“If he knows then every other demon knows too.” He turned towards the demon and looked in it’s eyes. “You go to hell, and you tell them next time they come after us they won’t be making the trip back.” He turned his back to the demon and looked back to Sam. “Let’s do this the cops will be here soon.”

“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, draco maledicte. Ecclesiam tuam securi tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos.” Every word seemed to hurt the demon. He yelled at them to stop, and when Sam reached the last word black smoke shot out of the demons mouth with great force, after about five seconds his body fell. John knelt down next to him and took his pulse.

“He’s dead.” The body was already cold as if it had been dead for hours.

“Demon was probably the only thing holding him together. Probably died, well who knows when.” Dean said pulling out a handkerchief to wipe off their fingerprints before hearing approaching sirens. “Son of a bitch.” They had five minutes at most before cops came roaring in and Dean didn’t feel like explaining why they were in a room with four dead bodies. “Alright we don’t have much time.” He pulled out accelerator out of one of the duffels and started dousing the place. About a minute later they were going out off the door with every weapon they could find.

“So we’re just going to burn the whole place down?” Rose asked as they ushered out.

“It’s messy but it works, so unless you want to explain all of this in a way the police will believe you this,” He held up his lighter, ” is all we got.” He lit his zippo and threw it into the accelerator lighting the hole place on fire.

“It’s getting dark,” Sam noted at the quickly setting sun, “we need somewhere safe to crash.”

“I’ve got just the place.” Sherlock said with a grin.

“Great tell Cas the address and lets get away from our act of arson.” Dean said and in a minute they were gone.

Sorry this one was late and also about the shortness my aunt had just come home from across the country and I hadn't seen her in a long time and I guess time just flew away from me. So leave comments please so I know people actually listen and I'm not talking to nothing. Ps vote too!!!

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