Superwholock: The Beginning

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All characters and trademarks of Doctor Who and Sherlock go to the BBC Network

All characters and trademarks of Supernatural go to The CW and Warner Bros

This Dedication goes out to everyone who made these three shows and I mean everyone. Every actor, every crew member, even every single man or woman who even swept the floor of the studios, the fandom thanks you. And to every single fan out there (even if it is only for one of these shows) thanks for helping them keep this running. And whatever you do remember

Don’t Blink,

Text Sherlock,


Salt and Burn

Historians Note

For Supernatural this story takes place after the episode The Girl Next Door

For Doctor Who this story takes place after Tooth and Claw

For Sherlock this story takes place after Scandal in Bohemia


Blood dripped through his fingers as he pressed against the wound in his stomach. He had almost stopped the bleeding. How could did this happen? He asked the only person who he could ask, himself. Why do I have to die in this box? The box; the walls were seamless, grey. Not a door, or window, or even a simple bolt he was stuck. The time seemed to slip by in the box; there was no morning or night, just endless darkness. He didn’t know how long he had been in there it felt like forever; he had given up all hope of rescue. This place he was in it had that effect like it could take whatever hope you had a suck it out of you. Now in his time he had his fair share of torture but nothing was like being stuck inside your own head. You take for granted human interaction hearing other people voices; seeing other people’s faces. Not until you are alone truly and utterly alone, like he was now. Like he was until the other man came. He just appeared out of nowhere like he had. The man was tall with crazy hair. He wore a blue suit that looked like it was two sizes to tight for him.

“What, what …” He recognized the voice, but his mind was too jumbled to put a face with it. It took him a moment to realize wasn’t alone. “Sam? Sam is that you?”

“Who are you?” He tried to stand but fell back down, his wound still bleeding. The pain dull nearly inexistenet he could feel him self slipping in to unconciousness, but the man just shoved him a little.

“What’s wrong, are you hurt?” He kneeled next to Sam. As if not noticing the horrific wound across his torso. He tried to back away from the man, but he couldn't move.

“Who are you?” He demanded, but it came out more as a plea.

“Don’t you recognize me?”  The strange man looked into his eyes. “Sam it’s The Doctor, don’t you remember?” Still a blank stare came from him. “Remember Sherlock, Rose, Watson, “ Nothing, “Dean?” More nothing, “What did they do to you?“

"I can’t remember it. I can’t remember anything."

Superwholock: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now