Let me tell you something about our high school... its Huge.... every student in our country has a dream to study here... only we people who are actually here knows how hard life actually is here... they want us in discipline all the time... our school is far from cities near mountains so it can have a beautiful environment and we can be away from our families .....it has its own hostels..we have to follow RULES 24/7 .... and our parents are happy about us being here....
Well what the best thing about here is that big idols goes here too...and worst thing they have a seperate campus, seperate cafeteria, seperate playground..... why?cause they are idols...must be treated special....and have more protection..... whereas we are normal people .....shit is this...
We are going to same school and never seen a single idol...well have seen one -Jackson....once he accidentally came to our building and the girls went wild as they saw a piece of meat and started running behind him ....when me and Daeun saw these girls running ..we knew it was some idol so we started running too.. we thought if it's an idol...he must be handsome..something is better than nothing right.... as we all were chasing him kim Jihyo our teacher appeared and stopped all of us with a single "STOP" and send Jackson back to his building... i just got a single glimpse of him for a second then he was gone!some girls behind me even started crying that they didn't even got a glimpse of him...A girl ahead from me started smiling like crazy and told every single girl that she saw him for full 7 seconds......well i guess that's the reason we have different campus 'cause fangirls get too crazy sometimes....

Well now let me introduce you to my bestfriend Daeun Ryu . We are together since we were 3 years old... she is daughter of my father's friend...we both are inseparable....we were in same middle school ... so when my father decided to send me here..it was final without any question that she was coming here too... her father decided send her here too....sometimes she blames me for it jokingly but even she can't live without me a single day....her being here is only thing that lets me survive in this hell...

So finally my turn came and i entered the room and saw my dad... i hugged him..i was so happy to see him..
"So Mr.Park how's she doing?" My dad asked..

"She is doing ....Great..... way more than i expected ... she is one of the brightest students" Mr.Park told my dad with a smile which hide the scared expression of me revealing something to anyone....

Mr.Park got the records and showed grades to my father ... which have perfect A1's on it... my dad was happy..

"Mr.Park i think you forgot to give Gold star on my record...you told me I'm getting it this time" i said

"Uh...what-" Mr.Park shuttered i just gave him the look and he quickly got out a Golden star and put it on my record which meant me ranking first ....

"Yah i forgot... thank you for reminding Ki Moon Lee" he said and i smiled

"Is she in discipline and behaving right....not doing some stupid stuff right?" My father asked knowing me so well that i might have did something .... it has been full 3 months he had not got a call about me doing something..

I smirked

"No Not at all she is a very good student sincere and obedient...no complaint at all... she is very um...kind" he said

I grinned

Then they shook hands and me and dad exited ....
"I'm proud of you so i was thinking i should increase your pocket money a bit"...dad said... and i jumped in joy

"Thanks dad!you are the best"

"But i want it to be like this only....No complaints okay.. and grades should be up like this only"

"Okay....don't worry"

"I gotta go now meeting time is over.Take care and make sure to call your mom every night before sleep...love you"

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