My First Magcon Chapter6

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"Okay let's go" I said to Nash and Hayes

Me, Nash and Hayes all left and got into the car and we drive off to Magcon.

It was about a half hour drive but I was entertained because the boys are hilarious. We arrived at Magcon and we went backstage.

We walked through the door and I saw Cam, Carter, Taylor, Aaron, Shawn. Etc

"Hey guys!" Nash said to everyone and walked over to them all

Hayes held my hand and walked over to the boys

"Everyone, this is Lucy" Hayes told everyone "Hi, you remember me from the phone call right?" Cam said "Oh yeah! Course" I giggled

I suddenly remember watching cams video and my best friend Lauren texted me about how we had to meet cam together.

"Hey cam!" I said whilst pulling cam away from the crowd Hayes came with us "Look, I'm not a fangirl who you probably find a bit annoying but my best friend Lauren loves you and I was just hoping you could meet her one day?" I asked Cam "Oh, yeah sure! Is she my age?" Cam asked "Actually yes I know your probably thinking why would I be friends with someone older but I've known her a long time and she is just your type" I said to Cam

Hayes pulled me back after I finished off getting to know everyone. Although I secretly knew a lot.

"Ok so we will be talking on stage and if you want you just sit on the side or stand next to Mahogany whilst she DJ's." Hayes said to me "Um.. I'll just sit and I can move or something" I said to Hayes

Hayes hugged me and then we kissed.

We went on stage, there were thousands of screaming girls there lots of flashing phones it was crazy but somehow the boys were used to it. I stood next to mahogany although I said to Hayes I would sit on the side but I've seen mahogany's videos a lot and she seems cool and I would love to be her friend.

"Um.. Hi I'm Lucy" I shouted to Mahogany over the screaming girls "Hi, I don't mean to sound rude or anything but who are you?" Mahogany shouted as well "I'm Hayes' girlfriend" I shouted once again "Oh yeah I've heard he got a girl well you seem nice. I'm Mahogany" Mahogany shouted "Thanks and I know who you are your pretty cool" I shouted.

Then Mahogany had to DJ so we couldn't talk much.

Half way through Hayes grabbed the microphone and everyone was screaming and shouting 'HAYES I LOVE YOU' I knew exactly what Hayes was about to do.

"So how would you guys feel if I got a girlfriend? Boo if you don't want me to and cheer if you do want me to have a girlfriend." Hayes said to the crowd.

Everyone screamed there heads off thinking he meant go out with one of them.

"Ok.. Good" Hayes said

Then smiled at me and grabbed me and pulled me over.

"Guys.. This is Lucy and she is my girlfriend please don't hate but if you do you won't be my true fan." Hayes said to the crowd then put his arm around me.

I covered my face with my hands and hid my head into Hayes. Hayes then put the microphone to my mouth.

"Urm.. Hi I'm Lucy I hope you can all except me and Hayes because I love him." I giggled.

I then learned how to DJ with Mahogany and I saw a lot of girls staring at me some in a good way some in a bad way but I didn't care I loved Hayes and that's all that mattered to me.

After the show it was the meet and greet and Hayes wanted me to be there with him so people can meet me so I agreed to go with him.

"Hi how are you?" Hayes said to a fan

Him and the fan were talking then he hugged the girl. The fan then came towards me.

"Um.. Hi Lucy I think your really brave and deserve Hayes and forget the haters because you two are cute together." A girl said to me "Thanks so much for all your support some people can just be rude but I don't care I love Hayes and that's all that matters I support him and his fans not his haters" I told the fan.

I met loads of super pretty and nice girls. Most of them stopped and talked others just rolled there eyes at me but I couldn't care. I managed to sign shirts which I was shocked with.

"Hey you two wanna come to my place? It's 5 mins away from here" Mahogany said to me and Hayes "Sure.. Oh if you want to Lucy?" Hayes asked me "Yeah of course" I said to Hayes

We got in the car and drove to where Mahogany was talking about.

We got in and talked, ate snacks and watched films and TV.

Mahogany showed me and Hayes where we're sleeping and we said goodnight and got changed and ready for bed then we both got into bed then we fell asleep.

To be continued...

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