chapter 17

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* really sorry for not uploading in agessssss, back now! *

Its been awhile since I moved, since I spoke to Hayes. I've settled in my school, I've made loads of friends, the werid part is I still hate it?


My stupid alarm clock on my phone sounded loaudly af. I hate mornings.

I got up and changed then went downstairs.

"hey mum" I said, I try and say mum every morning and I do but it makes me feel sick.

"ew. nope still don't like saying that" I said

"Yeah, about this whole move.."

"What about it MOM" I shouted mom

"I think we should move back? I'm really sorry I know you've settled and made lots of new frien-" she was cut off by me screaming and hugging her


* skip to school *

"aye" Tani came over and sat next to me

me and Sophia are friends now she was just.. Let's say 'moody' that day

Sophia came and sat on the other side of me

"I have news, exciting but upsetting" I said, but it wasn't really upsetting I really wanna move back anyways.

"Yeah" Sophia said

"Carry on.." Tani said

"I'm moving back to the US!" I said

There faces were plain. Im not sure what they were thinking. Maybe they didn't like me anyways? Maybe there in shock?

* BEEP *

I received a text from 'Mommy❤'
just to let you know we will be moving/flying back on Wednesday, I booked like a month ago. Sorry for not telling you.

I could feel Tani and Sophia leaning over looking at the text.

"But.. That means we only have two days left with you!!" Tani said upset

I hugged them both, it actually made me sad. I didn't think they cared or would care. Idk why.

* lunch *

Hayley walked over to me with Tani and Sophia. I could tell they told her. Hayley hugged me.

"I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you too" I said back

We stopped hugging and we all sat a table together.

"so have you heard the caggie news?" Hayley asked us, her and Tani were 5SOS fans (Tani username - cliffordette) but Hayley liked Maggie, carters girlfriend. ( just in case you didn't know. Lmao probably)

"No?" We all simply said

"They spilt up! Carter cheated! Lucy, you knew carter, is he like that?" Hayley asked. Thinking about it he wasn't really but things changed, Magcon was ages ago and idk.

"Well no but I haven't seen him in ages." I said

* skip to school being over *

I was walking home and was on my phone scrolling through twitter seeing Hayes name come up, I clicked his '@' I refollowed him and within seconds he followed me back.

I finally got home, I live quite far from the school literally takes me like an hour.

My mom doesn't finish till late so I was usually home alone for a while, when I got inside I ran upstairs to my room I just flopped onto my bed and went on my phone, again.

I was checking Instagram when suddenly 'Layes' fan accounts were tagging me in pictures (layes - Lucy+Hayes) they were pictures saying that me and Hayes followed each other, I just liked a few and locked my phone when I got a text, I hate when that happens.

Text message from: Hayes
Hey, I know we haven't spoken in ages and things have changed but just hoping you're okay

To Hayes:
Hi, nice speaking again. I'm fine thanks, you?

From Hayes:
good thanks.

Before I was just gonna finish the conversation, I needed to tell Hayes I was moving back, maybe we can still be together. Things haven't been the same without him.

To Hayes:
before I go, I'm moving back to North Carolina in two days. Hopefully see you soon !

I didn't get a reply.

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