Chapter 31: The Gender

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          It was now July 16, 2019. James' birthday. It was also the day you went in to find out what you were having. You were now 16 weeks pregnant. You wore your capri leggings and flip flops with a white tank top and James had on his usual basketball shorts and t-shirt. You took a selfie with James while you were sitting in the car and posted it to Instagram and captioned it: 'Baby Maslow. Prince or Princess? Let us know what you think!' and James reposted it and added his own caption of: 'Nervous as all Hell. What do you guys think? Girl or boy?".  Everyone was commenting their opinions and you and James were reading through them when your name was called.

          You were sitting on the table in the doctor's office waiting for your doctor to come in. You had already taken off your clothes from the waist down and covered up with the sheet. James stood beside you and held your left hand; nervously rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. "Babe, everything's fine! Calm down. We're only finding out what we're having" "I know, but I'm just nervous. What if it's a boy? Dear God. I put my mother through Hell as a teenager. I got my first acting gig when I was a teenager. If it's a girl? God help me. I'm gonna worry non stop when she starts dating. She's gonna hate me" "James. Whatever we have, they'll love you. No matter what. We need to use our experiences as kids and learn from our parents' mistakes. We'll be fine" "I love you. You know that?" "Yeah, I know. I love you too". The doctor came in and had you put your feet in the holders and he checked your cervix and everything was good. "Let's see if we're having a little boy or girl".

          You lifted your shirt and the doctor put the gel on your stomach and you could feel James get a little more nervous. As the doctor moved the wand around, he said "Looks like Baby Maslow has a healthy heartbeat. Everything looks good". James started to tear up listening to the heartbeat. "Alright, here we are. Do you two want to know?" *You looked at James and he nodded his head yes and you looked at the doctor and said yes* "Looks like Baby Maslow is A.... Hang on. Baby keeps moving around. Ah! Here we are" He pushed a couple of buttons and took pictures of your ultrasound. "Baby Maslow is a girl. Congratualtions, Mr. and Mrs.Maslow!" You looked at James and started to cry. James leaned down and kissed you and the doctor handed you the printed out pictures and you sat there looking at them. "Looks like we've got a daddy's girl on our hands" James laughed as you said that and kissed you again and handed you your clothes. You couldn't believe that in just a few short months, you'd have a baby girl.

          As soon as you got home, you went to Pinterest and looked for gender reveal ideas. You picked out a couple and showed them to James and decided to go with the box full of colored balloons that says 'It's A....' on the front. You were gonna wait until October when you took your maternity photos to tell the fans. James tweeted: We know what we're having! It's A........ Well, never mind. Got a gender reveal video planned for all of you for October!

           You and James were reading through the tweets that fans sent back after seeing James' tweet when your phone started to ring. Mica wanted to go shopping and wanted to know if you wanted to go. As you got into her car, she said "So! I saw your posts and James' tweet! What is it???" "Well, the gender reveal is in October" "Oh come on! You can't leave me guessing!" "Let's just say... Baby Maslow is gonna be VERY spoiled" 

          The two of you shopped all day. You found some maternity clothes and bought some. You got all different sizes so you would be able to wear them throughout the pregnancy. When you got home, James cooked dinner and the two of you went to bed.

          Since you found out that you were pregnant, you and James didn't want to do anything for your birthdays. James said the best birthday present was finding out that you were having a baby girl. On your birthday, all you did was watch Disney movies. Today was James' birthday and he had to work, so while you and Mica were shopping, you bought him a birthday present. You had gotten him a gag gift, which was a book on how to raise a daughter and then the real gift, which was the watch that he had been looking at the day the two of you went to the mall.

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