Chapter 8: The News

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          You were sitting in the doctor's office when the doctor came in and sat down. "You don't have a stomach bug, Ms.Schmidt" "Okay... Then what's wrong with me?" your doctor chuckled and smiled and said "nothing's wrong with you, Ms.Schmidt. You're pregnant" and got up and left the room. You didn't know what to think. You just had your birth control implant taken out of your arm right before Christmas. You started taking birth control the next day. You couldn't tell if you were excited or scared. Maybe both. You got your release papers and went home, wondering how you were gonna tell James and you hatched up a plan. You immediately called Kendall and told him to take James somewhere for the day. Gym, studio, you didn't care. Then you called Mica and asked her to get ready because you were about to pick her up.

          Once you picked Mica up, you went to the grocery store. You bought baby carrots, baby back ribs, Baby Bell cheese, and other baby veggies. You also picked up some diced peaches. Once you got back to your truck, Mica looked at you confused "why did we buy all of this stuff?" and you said "wait until we get in the truck.. I can't risk anyone overhearing" and the two of you loaded up the truck and once you were both in the truck and you started driving, you said "I got all of this stuff because I have something to tell James" and she looked at you and said "what is that exactly?" and you said "baby back ribs.. Baby veggies.. Baby Bell cheese... Tiny peaches.." "Okay...?" "Oh my God.. Mica!" "What?! I don't know!" Mica, I'm pregnant!". After you said that, she didn't say a word. "Mica... Are you okay?" "Uh.. Yeah! This is amazing! I'm so excited for you! congratulations! When did it happen???" "I'm 4 weeks along. So sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas!" "Oh my gosh. James is gonna be so excited! I can't wait to see the look on his face. Have you told Kendall yet?" "I figured I'd tell him at the same time..." "No. You can't do that! He'll pass out. He needs to be there for James in case JAMES passes out" "Alright. I'll tell him tonight"

          When you and Mica got home, you started cooking dinner. A little after Mica started the ribs, Kendall and James came walking through your apartment door. "Hey, Kendall! Will you run down to the laundry room with me?" "Yeah, sure.. I guess". Once you and Kendall were down in the laundry room, you started a load of towels and said "so... I have something that I need to tell you" "Okay, what is it?" "I'm.... I'm pregnant". You didn't know if it finally hit you or what, but you broke down crying the second it came out of your mouth. Kendall wrapped you in a hug and said "ssshhhh.. It's okay. This is good news! James is gonna be happy! Come on baby sis, don't cry", but the tears kept flowing. Once you pulled yourself together, Kendall said "I'm gonna be an uncle! This is exciting!" and you thanked him and the two of you walked back up to your apartment where James was in the shower and Mica was working on the food. After dinner was ready and James got out of the shower, the four of you sat down.

          James was looking at the three of you, wondering why you weren't eating yet, and asked "what's the deal? Did someone die?" And you grabbed his right hand with your left and said "babe, everything's fine... Did you notice what's for dinner?" He looked at you like you had lost your mind and said "ribs? carrots? snack cheese? peaches?" And you looked at Kendall and Mica and gave them a look asking for help and Kendall said "BABY back ribs. BABY carrots. BABY bell cheese" and James looked at you kinda like he knew what was going on and kinda like he was still confused and asked "why is your brother yelling at me?" and you said "Which word is he yelling, babe?" and he said "baby" and the look of confusion went to shock and said "you're...?" "Yes... I'm pregnant!" James sat there staring at you as his face went white. "You're pregnant. With my baby. I'm gonna be a dad" and you were afraid he was gonna flip out on you, but he just stood up grabbed you by the arms and stood you up and hugged you and picked you up and spun you around screaming "we're having a baby!" And finally set you down and put his hands on your cheeks and kissed you and you felt every emotion that he felt. Worry, fear, excitement, happiness... 

          After dinner, the four of you sat in the living room talking and James put his hand on your belly and said "I can't believe we're gonna be parents. How far along are you? You're not even showing!" and you said "I won't be for a while *laughs* I'm 4 weeks along" "So that means I either got you pregnant at home. Thank God it wasn't at either one of our parents' house" and the four of you laughed and talked about what life with a baby was gonna be like. 

          Kendall and Mica left around 10:00 that night. You and James were still talking about the baby. James was still in shock. "I can't believe you're gonna have your first baby doctor appointment next week" "I know! If we're lucky, we'll know what we're having the first week of February!" and as soon as you said that, both of your faces dropped. "I can always not know until you get done with Big Brother. I want to find out with YOU" "Babe, no. We need to decide if we want to know as soon as we can or wait until he/she is born" "I kind of wanna wait until the baby's born" "Then it's decided. When we go to the hospital, we'll find out. No knowing until the baby's born" and you smiled and kissed him and the two of you changed into pajamas and went straight to bed; excited that you were about to be a family of 3.

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