Chapter 27: Doctor's Appointment

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          The next morning, you called your doctor's office and scheduled an appointment. You lucked out and were able to get an appointment for this afternoon at 3:00 and James said he'd go to the studio late so he could go with you. Kendall had called and said him and Mica were in Malibu for a Heffron Drive music video shoot and that they were gonna grab breakfast and head over to your house, which you didn't mind at all.

         Kendall and Mica arrived about an hour after Kendall called. Kendall and James went into the home gym for a morning workout after the four of you ate and you and Mica went outside to sit on the deck and watch the waves. While you were sitting outside, Mica looked over at you. "So, how's married life?" "It's amazing. I get to wake up every morning with James beside me and I couldn't be happier. It's only been a week, but I wouldn't trade this for anything" "Aww, I'm so glad. You and James are perfect for each other. Have you guys had the talk about kids yet?" "Actually... We have. We talked yesterday and decided that I'm gonna go to the doctor and get my birth control implant taken out of my arm and we're throwing out all the condoms. We're just gonna do our thing and let whatever happens, happen" "Oh my gosh! I'm so excited. You know.. They say that women are more likely to get pregnant after taking that out, right?" "Yeah, I know.. But James doesn't" *the two of you laugh* "Well, I'm glad the two of you are doing so great. When's your doctor's appointment?" "This afternoon at 3:00. James is going with me".

           The two of you finished your coffee and went back inside to see Kendall and James sitting on the couch. You sat on James' lap and Mica sat on the chair beside the couch closest to Kendall and Kendall said "So my best friend just told me that he's gonna try and impregnate my baby sister, is this true?" *You all laugh* "Yes, Kendall, it's true. James and I talked for a while yesterday and decided that we were gonna stop all birth control and let whatever happens, happen. I go to the doctor today to get my implant taken out and James is throwing out all of the condoms" "Okay okay, I didn't need to hear that". You all laughed and you decided to go up and shower. It was only a little after 11, but you needed to run some errands before your appointment.

          Kendall and Mica left the same time you and James did. You and James headed to the grocery store and headed to your doctor's appointment. James pulled into the parking spot at the doctor's office and turned off the Jeep and looked at you and grabbed your hand. "You really wanna do this?" "Yes. I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life" James smiled widely at you as you said that and leaned over and kissed you and the two of you made your way into the building.

          "Mrs.Maslow?" You and James stood up and followed the nurse through the door and down the hallway to a room. She checked your vitals and told you that the doctor would be in shortly. You sat on the table and James sat down in the chair against the wall. When the doctor came in, he said "so, Caitlan, what are we here for?" "Getting this birth control implant taken out. My husband and I are wanting to start a family" "Okay, let me go get everything and grab a nurse. We'll get that removed. Is this the husband?" James stood up and shook his hand "nice to meet you, doctor". James sat back down and the doctor came back with a nurse and a big needle. James saw the look on your face and got up and walked over to your right side to hold your hand.

           The doctor numbed up your arm and made a tiny incision and grabbed what you called tweezers and pulled out your implant; throwing it in the hazard bin. He left and the nurse gave you your discharge papers and put a bandaid over where he took the implant out and told you that you were done and were free to go.

          Once you were back in the car, James went to start the car and you grabbed his hand. "Thank You for coming with me today. It means a lot. I know you hate needles, but I appreciate you holding my hand through that" "You're Welcome, babe. I wasn't gonna let you know in there, but I was scared shitless when I saw that needle.. But I'll do whatever we need to in order to have a family". You smiled and the two of you went back home. You had also made an appointment for Tuesday morning with a fertility specialist to make sure everything was still good and that you and James were both healthy and didn't have issues.

           The next morning, you and James got up and got dressed and headed to the fertility doctor. You were taken into his office to talk and then you'd go along with the procedure. "So, Mr. and Mrs.Maslow, how may I help you today?" "Well, we were just coming in for a check up to see if we could get pregnant" "Alright, have you had any miscarriages in the past?" "Yes. Back in February, James was out of town and I was in a car accident and lost the baby" "Okay, we'll check and see if any damage was done to your uterus and take some blood and check and see if you're in tip top shape. Mr.Maslow, all you'll need to do is give a sample and we'll call you in a couple of days with the results. I'll be right back".

          As the doctor closed the door, James looked at you and said "Sample? What does that mean?" "It means he's gonna want a sperm sample" "So that means...?" "You're gonna have to cum into a cup". The look on James' face was priceless. You couldn't help but giggle. "James, don't worry. It's normal" "Do you know the last time I had to jerk off? A long time ago. I haven't done it since before we got back together" "Are you serious?" "Dead serious. We have sex on a regular basis, so there's no need for me to". You just smiled and shook your head.

          About 10 minutes later, the doctor came in with a nurse and told James to follow her and took you into the checkup room. You got up on the table and laid back as you were told and lifted up your shirt. "Okay, everything looks good. Uterus is healthy. Let me go get the gynecologist to check your cervix. Go ahead and remove your clothes from the waist down and cover up with the sheet". You did as you were told and about 5 minutes later, the gynecologist walked in. "Alright, Mrs.Maslow, lay back and put your feet in these for me". You laid back and put your feet where she told you to. You felt a little uncomfortable exposing yourself like this to anyone who wasn't James, but she was your doctor and you needed to. "You're gonna feel a little bit of pressure now.... Okay. Your cervix looks and feels like it should. Go ahead and sit up". You sat up. "Now, is your husband getting checked out as well?" "Yes, He's here" "Okay good. If the doctor calls with the results and they're good, I suggest starting ovulation tests" "Oh, we're not trying.. We're just stopping all birth control. I wanted to make sure we were both healthy and good to go" "Okay, I see. Well, still. Ovulation tests give you a lot of information. I also suggest that after you have sex and you know that he ejaculated, put 2 pillows under your butt and prop your pelvis up; it helps the sperm travel faster" "Okay. Thank You"

           James was waiting for you when you walked into the lobby. The two of you walked to the car and as soon as you shut the door, James turned to you. "I want to TRY. Forget the whole whatever happens, happens bullshit. I want to try" *You smile at him* "Okay. We're officially trying" *James leans over and kisses you and pulls away and starts driving home* "So how was your checkup?" "It went good. Everything looks like it should and they'll call with my blood test results when they call with your sperm and blood test" "What happens if my.. Swimmers... Aren't good enough?" "Babe, don't think like that. Everything will be fine. We didn't have any issues when we got pregnant the first time.. We shouldn't this time". James pulled into your driveway and the two of you got out and went into the house

          The rest of the day, you got a workout in and spent time out on the deck. James ended up going down to the beach to surf and you watched from the deck. After the two of you showered, you went to bed thinking about what the test results were gonna be.

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