Chapter 29: Finally!

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          Christmas with James' family was amazing. They had all kinds of traditions that you loved being a part of. It was now the end of April and you and James were heading to New York because James was going to be performing on GMA.

          After James' performance, you headed back to the hotel and James shut the door and threw you down on the bed, kissing your neck. "James, we should wait until we get home". James stopped what he was doing and got up. "Why? It's been 2 months. Neither one of us have had an orgasm. We're cranky. We're snapping at each other. This is ridiculous" James was now pacing the room. You walked up to him and grabbed his hand and made him sit down on the edge of the bed. You held his left hand in your right and kissed him. "I know, James... It's hard.. But we'll be home first thing in the morning. I know we're cranky and I know we're snapping at each other, but we're stressed. Let's just wait until we get home. Please?" James leaned down and kissed you and told you that he loved you.

          When you got home, you went to unpack your suitcases and James went into the home gym. Mica had come over and the two of you were talking while you unpacked. "I didn't realize how stressed this was gonna make us. It's crazy. I yelled at him the other day because he wasn't cuddling me while we were watching a movie. He yelled at me because dinner wasn't getting done fast enough. We're losing our minds!" "Have you guys tried recently?" "No, we're waiting until tonight or tomorrow. My period ended while we were in New York" "It'll happen. I have faith. You and James were meant to be parents" "I feel the same way. He wasn't able to get off and he was beating himself up about it pretty bad" "What did you do?" "I told him that we were just stressed. I also gave him a blowjob, so that got rid of a little bit of his stress" the two of you laughed and finished unpacking. After Mica left, James took a shower and you were sitting on the couch.

          "Hey, Cait! Come up here for a minute!" You walked into your bedroom and saw James standing there in jeans and no shirt and saw that the room was lit with candles. "What is all of this?" "My apology. I acted like an ass these past 2 months and I don't wanna make a baby while we're fighting and stressed. So let's forget about trying and just enjoy each other" *You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist and he leaned down and kissed you and you could feel that he was already hard* "I'm sorry, too. I've been taking out the frustration on you and that's not right. It's not your fault" James kissed you and started to undress you and the two of you spent your night pleasuring each other. 

          It was Saturday morning in June and you woke up feeling nauseous and ran to the bathroom. You threw up everything you had eaten the night before. You were brushing your teeth when James walked into the bathroom. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, just wanted to get up early". James hadn't heard you throwing up, Thank God. You were getting dressed when you realized that you didn't have a period in May and you started feeling nervous. You called Mica and she brought 4 pregnancy tests over when James left to go to the store to get something for dinner. 

          You were pacing the bathroom and Mica said "Hey! Are you done? Can I come in?" "Yeah, it's open". Mica walked in and saw you pacing. "You need to sit down". You sat down on the toilet and Mica sat on the edge of the bathtub. The timer went off and you picked up one of the tests and couldn't believe it. You threw it away and looked at the other 3. You threw 2 of them away and just stood there staring at the 4th one. "Well?! What does it say!?" "Mica... I'M PREGNANT!" Mica hugged you and the two of you started squealing and crying. "I can't believe it! James is gonna be so happy!" "I need to go to the doctor and make sure, but all 4 of these are POSITIVE!" Mica stood there crying and smiling as you lifted your shirt and turned sideways to look at yourself in the mirror. You couldn't wait to see your baby bump.

          On Monday morning, you called your OBGYN and scheduled an appointment for that afternoon. James would be gone until at least 5:00 in the evening. When you got to the doctor's office, you sat and waited for them to call your name. "Caitlan Maslow?" you got up and walked through the door and walked down the hallway and followed the nurse into the room. "Just take off your clothes from the waist down and cover up with this sheet. The doctor will be in shortly". You did as you were told and sat impatiently as you waited for the doctor.

          "Hello, Mrs.Maslow. I'm doctor Nelson. Let's take a look" he then grabbed the ultrasound wand and put the gel on your stomach and started moving it around. "That sound you're hearing is a heartbeat. Congratulations, mommy". You sat there with your eyes closed, listening to your baby's heartbeat. "It looks like you are about 10 weeks along. Your due date is in December; we'll be able to pinpoint what day when you come back to find out the gender". The doctor left and the nurse came in and told you that you were free to go.

          As soon as you got home, you called Mica and she came over. You were sitting at the table looking at the ultrasound pictures when you heard the garage door go up and you shoved the pictures into your purse. You and Mica had already had it planned out how you were gonna tell James and you had to wait until Saturday. It was June 3rd and your parents and brothers and James parents and sister and niece were all coming over on the 15th to celebrate your birthday early. You and James were spending the day together, so your family was having your birthday party a week early.


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