Chapter 19: Interview With Ellen

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          Once you and James got to the studio, they sent you to hair and makeup where they did touch ups and made sure nothing was going crazy. They then sent you to the side of the stage where Ellen was telling everyone what was gonna be discussed and who the special guests were for the day. 

          After Ellen got done talking about Taylor Swift's newest music video, she said "Up next is a very special guest who's been on my show before with his band Big Time Rush. In just this past year alone, this young man has released a solo album, gotten engaged, been on the very first season of Celebrity Big Brother, released a new single, and has also been through a pretty bad traumatic experience. Everyone, give it up for James Maslow!" The crowd cheered as James stepped out onto the stage and James waved and smiled to the audience and shook hands with Ellen and sat down on the couch next to her chair. 

Ellen: It's so great to have you back, James. Tell me about your latest single. Who inspired that?
James: It's great to be back, Ellen. Been too long. My latest single is called Falling. I started writing it about a year ago. I was talking to my friend Mitchel about writing and he asked me what I wanted to write about and I said my relationship with Caitlan and he asked me which part and I said when I realized I was beginning to fall in love with her and it just took off from there.
Ellen: So Caitlan is now your fiance, right? 
James: Right
Ellen: So how did the two of you meet? What's the backstory on your relationship?
James: Well, her brother Kendall and I worked together on Big Time Rush. She was visiting him on set while we were filming season 2 of the show and I had just turned 21 and she was 17. We became best friends right off the bat and started dating about a year after meeting. I was a young and dumb kid so I ended up pushing her away when the band got as big as it did and I regretted every decision I had made. We broke up in 2013 and then in 2015, I was at Kendall's birthday party and we reconnected and started dating again and I knew that I was falling in love with her. We got engaged on my birthday in 2017 and we've just been planning the wedding and enjoying being engaged.
Ellen: I saw that and congratulations, by the way! 
James: Thank You
Ellen: I also saw that the two of you recently went through having a miscarriage, that had to have been awful. How did all of that go down? I know you were on Celebrity Big Brother when it happened
James: Yes, I was in the Big Brother house when a producer came running in and told me
Ellen: Before I let you finish, can we bring her out?
James: Of course!
*Ellen then introduced you and you went walking out and waved to the crowd. James had stood up to scoot down and kissed you on the cheek as the two of you sat down*
Ellen: Okay, James, continue
James: Like I said, I was in the Big Brother house when I got the phone call about the miscarriage. We were all just chilling out and waiting on the next competition to be announced when a producer came in and pulled me aside and told me that my fiance was in the hospital. She had been in a horrible car accident with her brother's girlfriend on the way to a doctor's appointment and ended up losing the baby
*James grabbed your left hand with his right and took a deep breath*
Ellen: That had to have been horrible. Caitlan, what were you thinking when you were in the hospital?
You: I just remember asking my brother where James was and feeling scared and lonely and anxious... It was horrible. 
Ellen: Do you guys think you would've handled the news of losing the baby a little better if James had been the one in the car with you or had been home?
James: I don't. I think it would've added to the stress and anxiousness that she was feeling. 
You: I agree with James. It was a terrible experience anyway, but had I been worrying if James was okay or not, they would've most likely had to sedate me
Ellen: So what's next for the two of you? Are you gonna try for another baby anytime soon?
You: I don't think so.. That baby was a surprise to begin with; we weren't trying to get pregnant at all. We were just getting ready to alter our wedding plans and change the date when the accident happened
James: I think right now, we're just gonna continue planning our wedding and focus on being husband and wife before we start a family. We want kids; Hell, I want 2 or 3. But, I feel like this was God's way of telling us to slow down and enjoy the moment. Everything happens for a reason
Ellen: I agree, James. How much wedding planning do you guys have left to do?
You: We actually have everything done except for the invitations. 
Ellen: I'll keep an eye out for mine *everyone laughs*
James: We're having a small-medium size wedding. We've invited our closest friends and immediate family; like parents, grandparents, and immediate aunts and uncles and their kids. My niece Emma is gonna be the flower girl and Carlos, who was in Big Time Rush with me, is bringing his wife and his son is the ring bearer. My best man is Kendall and Caitlan's maid of honor is Mica. We didn't want the whole 5+ bridesmaids and groomsmen
Ellen: Sounds lovely! I can't wait to see photos. Caitlan, have you gotten your dress yet?
You: I actually just recently went and met with my designer and she's in the process of making it now. I can't wait
Ellen: James, do you have any idea what kind of dress she'll have?
James: Honestly, whatever she goes with, she'll look amazing. I just hope I can get through my vows without stuttering *everyone laughs*
Ellen: You guys are so cute. Can't wait to see what the future holds for you both. That's all the time we have for today, but tune in next week when we have special guest Ariana Grande!

          After the interview, you and James went to your favorite pizza place for lunch and went back to the apartment to change clothes and go to the gym. You guys got in a really good workout and headed home to chill out and enjoy each others' company before you had to get ready to go meet Kendall and Mica for dinner.

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