Chapter 11: A Week Without James

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          Over the next week, you and Denise took Emma to do all kinds of fun stuff. You went to Malibu and went down to the pier to the carnival, swam in the ocean, went to James' favorite ice cream shop and took a selfie of you and Emma eating ice cream and posted it on James' Instagram account and captioned it "When Uncle James goes to be on Celebrity Big Brother, you go to his favorite ice cream shop and eat loads of ice cream. Don't worry James... Baby Maslow LOVES the sundae that you get" and added a baby, blue heart, red heart, ice cream, and kiss emojis. 

          Once you got home, you realized that it was almost time for Big Brother, so you went into the kitchen and popped popcorn while Denise and Emma turned the TV on and got the blankets out. Once James came on the screen, you felt yourself choking back tears and you felt Denise rub your back. After a night filled with anticipation and drama, you and Denise agreed that Brandi HAD TO GO. You were a little pissed off because the only people allowed to vote were the Houseguests. You said "I bet if America got to vote, she'd be GONE" and Emma laughed as Denise agreed with you. Once the episode was over, you were glad that James wasn't the first one to go home, but you wanted him home. You were having mixed emotions about the entire thing. 

          After Denise put Emma to bed, the two of you stayed up talking and you asked her if she'd go with you to your next doctor's appointment and she gladly accepted. The two of you went to bed excited since you got to see Baby Maslow the following morning and were thinking about what the three of you could do after the appointment.

          You woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes and sausage and rolled out of bed and went straight for the kitchen. Denise was standing in the kitchen with Emma sitting on the couch eating breakfast and Kendall and Mica were standing in the kitchen with Denise.

Kendall: Looky what we have here! Mama to be! How are you feeling?
You: Good, just missing James.. I wish he could be at the appointment today..
Mica: It'll be okay! He was at the first one.. I can guarantee that he'll be at the last one too! Those are the only ones that matter
Denise: Mica's right, Caity. A week's gone by and it didn't feel like it! James will be home before you know it
Kendall: Come on, baby sis. Have some breakfast, go get dressed, and head off to your appointment. Mica and I are gonna meet you three at the diner and head off to the movies together. They're having a Disney Movie Day at the theater down the block and they're playing all kinds of movies
You: Alright, alright. Thank You guys for being here. It truly means a lot

          With that being said, you finished your breakfast and went to change clothes. Today was gonna be a good day.

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