Believe Me

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~Time skip: 1 week~

Dongheon dropped food on the table then sighed. "Butterfingers...Haha..." Dongju worriedly looked at Dongheon as he shakily picked up more food. "Maybe you should stay home today, Heonnie..." "But, the ki-" Dongju hushed him then went back to eating. "I'll stay then..." Geonhak entered the kitchen then sat down. "Are you not well, Dongheon? You've been making less and less each day." "Have I? I wouldn't have noticed..." Dongheon in fact knew what he was doing. "Have fun at work, Geon." Geonhak couldn't help but feel uneasy at Dongju's empty words.

Geonhak listened to music as he traveled to work. He soon grew bored of it and wondered why things that used to always please him are only very brief enjoyments now. He neared the company building then noticed Tif and Chanjun were talking like civilized people. "Oh, Geon. 'Sup?" "Not much. I'm more curious about you two." Tif chuckled then placed her hands on her hips. "I guess we just finally learned to accept how different we are. And turns out we do have some things in common." "Well, that's great. I-" They both started up conversation then walked into the building, forgetting about Geonhak's presence.


Geonhak felt rather bummed as Chanjun had hardly visited him since he and Tif had found common ground. He felt a bit envious even. "You look sour today." Geonhak looked up then immediately stood up and bowed. "Save the formalities. Talk to me. I may be your boss, but I care about all of you." He sat back down then sighed. "I don't know what it is, Ms. Kang. I've never felt so bitter." "Go on." He explained what had transpired in the morning then waited for her response. "Well, you are indeed envious, but you're also sad. One, you're sad that someone who was always by your side is gone. Two, you also want a connection like that, am I right?"

"I guess..." She patted his back then smiled softly. "He's not gone forever, Geonhak. He'll come back to you when he's ready." She gave him a wink before walking away. "Who was she talking about..." He shook his head then tried to immerse himself into his work.


Minchan slowly opened his eyes then saw water and a bridge from afar. "Where am I..." He came to the realization that he was now in a tree. "Oh, right." He climbed down the tree and received weird looks from a few passerby. He patted himself down then leaned his back against the tree. He never understood why he woke up in trees whenever he cried or was stressed beyond measure. Maybe he was a bird in his past life.

He kicked a pebble as he walked about the park. He didn't know what to do nor where to go. It's not like he had a home to return to. "Hey!" He looked up and saw Kangmin jogging over to him. "Never thought I'd see you around here. At this time. Don't you have to work today?" "I took off. I'm not exactly in any condition to work." Kangmin frowned then sat down next to him. "Wanna talk about it?" "I guess so..." Kangmin patted his shoulder then took a sip from his bottle.

"And here I am. Out and homeless. Kinda." Kangmin wiped his eyes then cleared his throat. "Well, you're not really at fault here..." Minchan gave him a confused looked and expected an answer. "Well, you're bond with him was already weak. He couldn't expect you to hear him from so far away." "I didn't think of that...nor expected that from you." Kangmin ran a hand through his hair then blushed lightly. "I don't mind listening to Seoho once in a while..." Minchan briefly smirked before whistling nonchalantly. "So, what do you think of Seoho?"

Kangmin rocked back and forth before smiling. "He's strict, but I know it's for my own good. He's not as cold as people make him seem to be. He cares in his own way and his smile...beautiful. He really has a good heart..." Minchan could see the light blush had now darkened and become more prominent on his face. "A-Anyway, enough about that. Just, talk to him, explain why you couldn't help." Minchan sighed then fell onto his side. "Maybe's been a week since then. He hasn't searched for me, so it's obvious he doesn't care." Kangmin slapped his arm then pulled him up off the ground. "It's that kind of attitude that contributed to this mess. You need to shape up or else you'll really disappear..." "Maybe I want to." He stared Kangmin in the eyes before walking off. Having that conversation with Kangmin reassured his decision.

He'll cease to exist in Geonhak's life, just as he wanted.

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