Hear Me

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"And the winner is..." Everyone patted their thighs for the dramatic effect. "Hoyoung!" Everyone cheered then gave him pats on his back. "We need to brush up on our Wii Sports skills huh?" "Why don't you waste time studying instead, Kangmin?" Kangmin frowned as Seoho had once again disapproved. "Lighten up, Seo. If you keep this up, he'll run away from ya." "As if I can't find him easily, Hwanwoong?" Geonhak sat by the windowsill looking at people walking by. "Uh oh, he's moody again."

Dongheon placed a hand on his shoulder and looked out with him. "Tired?" "I guess..." "Then go upstairs and lie down." Geonhak peeled himself off the windowsill and trudged upstairs with Dongheon following behind. "He seemed okay 5 minutes ago." "It's not easy to forget something like that..." They all looked down with somber looks as they remembered.

"Are you thinking of them again?" "How can I not...?" "By making new memories to suppress it." Geonhak sighed then covered his face with a pillow. "Things aren't as bad as they seem..." Geonhak scoffed then moved the pillow that was blocking his sight. "Easy for an angel to say. You all have it so good. You out live us." "In a way, but it's only a decade longer. You know this." Dongheon could tell Geonhak was hurting again and decided it'd be best to let him simmer down. "I'll be downstairs if you need me."

He sighed then placed the pillow on his lap. Nothing good had ever come his way for as long as he could remember. He was always blamed by others and punished for it as a child. Only his parents trusted him and would fight for him. Even as a young teen, he'd get involved in arguments and fights without doing anything but breathe. He was sick of it. He thought back to his 15th birthday and wondered why his white feather never transformed. In fact, he couldn't find it the next day. He figured it was a dud and they were going to give him another.

He waited weeks, but another never came. He started losing hope of meeting his angel after a few months. Geonhak drew imaginary wings then lied back on the bed and closed his eyes. He was convinced at this point that he didn't have a guardian angel. And he was okay with that.

"You're not going up there?" Minchan sighed then looked back at the stairs. "What good would it do? He can't see me nor hear me." "Have you tried touching him?" "That's just a bit weird..." Hwanwoong shook his by his shoulders then pressed a finger to his chest. "So you rather it stay like this? You two forever disconnected?" "You do know what happens, right?" "I disappear forever and he meets an unusual death. I know." Seoho gave him a weird look then looked lost in thought. "Isn't it you just disappear?"

Minchan shrugged then tried to remember where he read the last part. "Oh! You were reading the relationship chapter. That's not related to humans you fool." Dongheon placed a hand on Minchan's head then smiled softly. "Go try, okay?" "Alright..."

Minchan opened then door and was thankful it hadn't awaken Geonhak. He slowly approached the bed then looked down at him. "He always looks at peace when sleeping..." He noticed his peaceful face turned into one of discomfort not too long after. He quickly touched his forehead then quietly exhaled as it was peaceful once more. Minchan ran his hand through Geonhak's hair as he wished he could talk to him.

Geonhak slowly opened his eyes then sat up in bed. He noticed the table moved and the book on it had fallen off. "What the..." He rubbed his eyes then was surprised to see the book back on the table. "Are one of you playing a prank? It's not funny." The door opened and Dongheon had walked in. "You're up." "So it's Hwanwoong messing around." Dongheon was confused until he saw Minchan on the floor next to the table. "It was...the wind." "The windows are closed." Minchan looked at Dongheon with pleading eyes.

"It was your guardian angel." Minchan let his head hit the table then sighed. "What do you mean...?" Dongheon knew Minchan was okay with how things were, but he wasn't. He couldn't bear to watch his friend disappear. "You do have a guardian. He's standing right by that table, but you can't see nor hear him...You've blocked yourself off from him for far too long." Geonhak stared at the empty space by the table in wonder. Did he really have one or was it another joke?

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