Hear Me

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Minchan quietly ate breakfast as Dongheon put the last of the food on the table. "Is he still sleep?" "He just got out of the shower, so he'll be down in a bit."

After a while, footsteps were heard on the stairs and Geonhak's figure came into view. "Good morning bedhead." "Is it that bad?" Dongju shook his head then motioned for him to sit and eat. "Is Minchan here...?" Dongheon and Dongju stifled their laughter as Geonhak had ended up sitting on Minchan's lap. "He is...You're sitting on him." Geonhak quickly got up and apologize to the invisible figure in the chair.

"So, you going to work today?" "Yeah. You're coming too, right Minchan?" "He said yes." Geonhak let a small smile form on his face then it immediately disappeared. "How will I understand you? Won't people think it's weird that we're not speaking?" "There isn't any other way than this." Geonhak sighed then watched as a piece of fish floated over and landed in his rice. "Heh, I guess you know my tastes..."


Geonhak and Minchan quietly walked side by side as he headed off to work. "Geonhak..." He sighed then proceeded to write what he wanted to say. "Where? It's not special. I recently started working there. It's an office job." He was happy that Minchan was interested in his life, or at least pretended to be. He wasn't sure of his true intentions as of yet. "We're almost there." Geonhak turned the corner then bumped into someone. His shirt was now wet and the scent of coffee was present.

"I'm so sorry. Um, here. My card. Call me or text me and we'll discuss things later. I'm running really late." They picked up their now empty coffee cup and threw it out before running to catch the light. "Great...My favorite shirt is ruined and smells like coffee." Minchan felt awful as he had only momentarily taken his off of him to check for any incoming incidents.

Geonhak entered the building and was greeted warmly by many. One person pulled him over and walked with him arm in arm. "Who's the twink looking guy behind us?" "Shut up, he can hear you." "Okay, who is he seriously?" Geonhak sighed as the three of them boarded the elevator. "Hey there, what's your name?" Minchan looked around then pointed at himself. "Yes you. I know Geonhak." The elevator doors opened and Geonhak quickly exited the elevator. "I have to go..." Minchan slightly bowed before scurrying out the elevator.

"I'm sorry. He's a pretty nosy guy." Geonhak set his things down then booted up his computer. "Um, ah, she won't be in today, so you can sit here." Minchan sat down then started spinning in the chair. "Stop that." "You can't tell me what to do." He face palmed himself as he had once again forgotten. "Do you need anything? A drink? More food?" "You staying by my side is enough. Though, I'm sure you'd get bored, so feel free to wander around."

Minchan found himself outside of the building and walking around to see what there was to do around here. "What can I do to make it up to him...?" He thought of possibly getting him a gift, but he wasn't too sure about his tastes. He decided to take a chance and entered the store.

Geonhak sucked on his finger as it continued to bleed in his mouth. "I got the bandaid!" Chanjun wrapped it around his finger then started panicking as it bled through. "Should we just go to the hospital?" "I'm fine. It'll stop soon." He bit down hard on his bottom lip as he fought back tears that came with the pain. "How did this even happen?" "My hand slipped..." Chanjun walked him back to his desk then wrapped his finger in a bandage. "Just in case it started dripping everywhere..."

Minchan waited downstairs for Geonhak then immediately rushed to his side when he did. "What happened!? I shouldn't have left." Geonhak kept walking, ignoring the paper with writing. "I'm sorry...I'll go home." He watched as Geonhak left the building without saying a word. His heart ached. It wouldn't be long before things were back to how they used to be. "Maybe I'll finally disappear...and he wouldn't have to worry anymore."

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