The Future *Bonus Chapter*

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Colson's POV

5 years later

I lay in bed, looking at the empty space that was once filled by her. I softly touch her side. I'm lost in thought about the times we spend coming home drunk from the club falling into the bed with only half our clothes on because we had taken half of them off on the way up to our bedroom. I hear a knock on the front door. I slowly get up and put on a wife beat and head down the stairs. I look out the hole and see Bailey standing there with sunglasses on. I hear Adriana's voice and laugher. I open the door and see Bayley with her long legs covered in skinny jeans. Her once long brown hair is now blonde and she has lost weight but she is still beautiful as ever. I feel Adriana's little arms wrap around my waist.

"Daddy!" She looks up at me as she hugs me.

I look at Bailey as she slides past me to put Adriana's bag down on the table.

"I'll pick her up on Sunday." She crosses her arms and I see the shine of her new diamond from her lover.

"You look good." I look at her. I mean for someone in her forties she looks amazing.

"Colson don't start. We have been down this road. I need to go." She walks over to Adriana and hugs her a hug.

"I'll see you on Sunday, beautiful. I love you." She kisses her before she heads out the door she says something.

"Call your son. Your granddaughter wants to see you." She heads out the door.

Bailey's POV

As I walk out of the home we once shared and to my car. I think about all the memories and tears that are in that house. I get in the car and Nick is sitting next to me.

"What's wrong, darling?" He grabs my hand as I start the car.

"Nothing. Let's just go. We are supposed to meet Isaac and Isabell for lunch." As we drive to the restaurant. I try wrapping my head around everything that has happened in the past few years. How did our marriage that was once so strong crumble? How did I fall in love with someone who is ten years younger than me? Before I knew it we are at the restaurant. I get out and Nick kisses my forehead.

"Don't let that ass get to you. You know you deserve better than him. Which is why you have me." He smiles as we walk into the restaurant. I sit at the table cross from Isaac and Nick sits across from Isabell. I order and glass of wine and we begin to talk. Isaac hasn't dealt with the divorce very well. He resents me because I filed for divorce two weeks after he and Isabell had gotten married once they both turned 19. Bailey who goes by her middle name of Emily was 3 when they got married. He hasn't been a fan of Nick either more the fact he feels that he was the one that ruined mine and Colson's marriage.

"So mother, have you guys picked a date?" Isaac says sarcastically and Isabell hits him.

"Isaac, that was very rude." I look at him.

"We were thinking in the fall. We want to go to Mexico." I grab Nick's hand. Isaac just looks at Nick.

"Isaac, I was wondering if you would want to go on a fishing trip to Canada with my company. I have room for a guest and I was.." Nick can't finish his sentence before Isaac interrupts him.

"No thanks, Nick. I have to work. You know I do help run my father's record company." He takes a sip of his whiskey. I have had enough I stand up and grab Isaac like he is five by his arm and pull him outside. I light up a cigarette as I look at him. I'm so furious that I'm about to hit him.

"What is your problem?" I look at him.

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you dangle your engagement to Nick right in front of everyone's faces when you know how miserable dad has been since you left him. You gave him all the other times he cheated on you. Why was this last one any different?" I grab his hand.

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