The Final Chapter

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Isaac's POV

Few Months Later

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR COLSON HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Everyone sings as we sit around our kitchen table as my dad blows out the candles and kisses my mom.

"Save that for tonight you two" Uncle Slim warns them as everyone laughs.

"Alright, I'm going to cut the cake." My mom hands Adriana to my father and she starts cutting the cake. I sit right next to my dad with Isabel by my side. My mom hands out pieces of cake as everyone start chowing down. Its marble which is one of my dad's. I start eating then look over at Isabel,who is just pushing her piece of cake around on the plate. I lean over.

"What's wrong?" She sighs and keeps pushing the cake.

"I miss France, I miss my parents, I miss my friends, I miss speaking French. I miss everything plus I'm not feeling the best the baby is sitting weird." She keeps look down. I get up and offer her her my hand. She grabs it and gets up. My mom notices us getting up.

"Where are you two going?"

"Just upstairs to talk."

"You got ten minutes, don't be rude to our guests." I roll my eyes as we head up the stairs to our room. Isabel sits on our bed and lays back.

"Do you want go home?" She sits up and looks at me.

"That isn't funny, Isaac."

"No, I'm serious. After the baby is born we should go see your parents. I mean they will probably want to see their granddaughter."

"Okay. Let's do it." I kiss her and she pulls me down on the bed. She stops kissing me and looks down at her stomach.

"What is it?" I ask her.

"I don't know. I just don't feel good and the baby is just moving weird." I kiss her cheek and stand up.

"We should get back to the party. We have tonight to do that." I smile and she rolls her eyes.

We enjoy the guest in celebrating my father's 39th birthday. He still looks the same, I mean a few more wrinkles. As the party guest leave and the rest of family sticks around as everyone gets ready for my parent after party to the club with all of EST. Casey comes over to watch Adriana and the party bus comes to the house at 9 and everyone heads out.

Bailey's POV

We sit on the party bus and we start the drinks on the way to the club. Colson hands me two shots and I take both like a champ. He whispers in my ear.

"Are you ready to rage, baby? Like we used to?" I smile.

"Of course." He grabs my waist in my short blue body con dress.

"You look so good."

"So do you." When we arrive at the club the first thing I want to do is dance. The song "We found love" comes on and I pull Colson to the dance floor and we grind on each other.

"Remember this song?"

"Of course, how could I forget. It was the night we made up after Isaac was born. You had the amazingly sexy red dress on." I bit his ear.

"I don't know if I want wait until we go home to give you your birthday gift." He gives me a devilish smile and lets out a laugh.

"I have an idea." He grabs my hand and leads me off the dance floor and to a bathroom in the back. He locks the door behind him and puts me up the sink. I let out a little laugh.

"Are we really about to do this?" He comes up to me and starts kissing me hard and in that way I love. He works his way down my next.


"Shh baby. No one is going to bug us."

It seemed as if it was forever tell we were finished. After we were done, we got dress and head out to a line of people and photographs clapping and cheering at us. Colson puts me under his arm and we head to the VlP lounge with everyone else. We counting having drinks and enjoy the company of all our friends. I choose to get up and say something to Colson in front of everyone.

"Colson, you have been my husband for the past 14 years and we many have our ups and downs but I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life with anyone else. Your music takes me to a place no amont of money ever could. To us my love." I sit back down and he smiles and kisses me. I feel my phone vibrate to the seat next to me. I see it is Isaac. I step out to the private patio to take to him.


"Mom, mom. Isabel is having the baby. Casie is driving us to the hospital!"

"Hunny, calm down. Where is the baby?"

"She is with us. Mom can you come to the hospital?"

"Of course baby. Call you in a bit" I head back inside to tell Colson.

"We have to go?

"Why?" He looks at me.

"Isabel is in labor." Colson chugs his drink as we run out the club to catch a cab.

Isaac's POV

"Push Isabel!" The doctor shouts.

"I can't." She moans.

"Come on, baby. You can do it."

"Push Isabel." She finally pushes out our daughter. The doctor places her on Isabel's chest and Isabel's starts to cry and I join her. They whisk her way and I hold Isabel as they clean her up. I go out the lounge where my family is sitting. I look at my phone 6:27 am.

"We have a baby girl"  I tell everyone and they all stand up and hug me.

"I'm so proud of you." My dad hugs me and kisses my head.

"Oh, my baby is a daddy." My mom starts crying.

"When are we going to meet her?"

"In about an hour. Isabel wants sometime with her. If you guys want you can head home." They choose too. They say their good-byes and I head back to the room. When I get in there, Isabel is holding her.

"She looks like you." I slowly walk up and look at her.

"She is beautiful." Her blue eyes shine up at me.

"You want to hold her?" I nod as she hands me her. I slowly walk her around the room and then sit in the chair by the window in the room.

"Hi baby girl. I'm so glad your here. I have wait so long to meet you. I'm your daddy. I love you so much."

As I look at my daughter, I see my future. I see how much my life is about to change. No more public school. No more football which I had planned on doing next year, No more late night out with my friends. No more just thinking about myself. It's all about her, now. I remember when I thought I was trying to make my own destiny and not follow in my father's footsteps. Turns out that I'm more like him then I think. I'm okay with that tho. I wouldn't change how my life has turned out. I want to marry Isabel some day. I really do.

I'm Isaac Colson Baker and I'm MGK's son.


That's it. This is now finished. I hope you enjoyed! Please Please give me feed back in the comments. I will love you forever:)

xoxo Ana


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