Chapter 15

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Bailey's POV

I sit in the hospital bed holding my little Adriana. While Colson is out getting food with Isaac and Isabel. Casie sit in the corner chair as we joke around. Soon there is a knock at the door. My regular doctor steps in with a clipboard in head.

"Hello Bailey."

"Hey Dr. Mills, what is up?"

"Well I need to talk to you Bailey." He comes to my bed and call Casie over to grab Adriana as my doctor shows me the clipboard. My heart stops, I can't think straight. This isn't real.


"We don't know. These things happen in life. I will send in an Oncologist to discuss options with you" I want to throw up. Casie just holds Adriana with a blank stare on her face. I start softly crying. Casie places Adriana in the small crib next to my bed and sits on the bed and holds me as we cry together. I love Casie with all my heart. She has grown to be more like my daughter as these years go on. I can't stand to see her cry. I hold her head up and whip her tears off her face and just hold her.

"Why is this happening to you. You just had a baby. This can't be happening to you." I just hold her and kiss her forehead.

"I know, baby girl."

Colson's POV 

I sit at the police station with Isaac as we talk about how there was a possible suspect in Isaac's shooting. They told us they have a friend of the suspect who said they were claiming to brag about the shooting at a party. We are put into a room with a detective.

"So Isaac you still don't remember anything about the shooting, correct?"

"Well, I remember the guy he kind of looked" Isaac voice trails off as his is facial expression changes. I look at him

"What is it, Isaac?"

"He looked like..Shayla....."  I look at him as he realized that Shayla's brother had shot him.My whole head fills with rage. That little bitch, I think to myself. I feel a viberation in my pocket and pull my phone out as I excuse myself from the room as I anwser the phone.

"Hey baby." Bailey sounds as if she had been crying.

"Baby, what is wrong?" She pauses and I can tell it isn't good.

"My test results came back........" She start sobbing again.

"Baby what?"

"I have cancer, Colson." My heart stops as I slide back on the wall and try to fight my tears back. I punch the wall. Why is God doing this to me. I thought I would have to plan a funeral for my son and now possibly my wife of 10 years. The rage is even worse but I try to compose myself and talk to her.


"Yes baby?"

"I don't want to die."

"Oh baby, don't think like that."

"I can't help it. Please can you come to the hopsital."

"Of course, I love you forever and always Bailey Baker."

"I love you Colson Baker."

I step back into the room to Isaac about his mother. He looks at me.

"Dad, what is wrong?"

"Can I have a moment with my son, detective." The detective steps out and I hold Isaac in a hug as I tell him.

"Isaac, your mother has cancer." He pushes me back.

"What?" I could see the hurt in his eyes and he comes back and starts to cry in my arms.

"Yeah. We need to be with her at the hospital."

"But why mom?"

"I don't know..."


Sorry this is short but I'm having writters block. If you guys have any idea please let me know in the comment section. Thank you all of you who have are still fans even though I haven't been keeping up with my write because being in college there are a lot of things to juggle.

xoxo Ana

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