Chapter 12

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Bailey's POV

I wake up to Adriana kicking my side. I roll over and she stops kicking. I look over at Colson, who is sound sleep next to me. I'm so glad to see him sleeping since he hasn't sleep in a few days. I hear my cell phone start ringing and see it is the hospital calling. I answer hoping for the best but expecting the worse.

"Mrs. Baker?"

"Yes this is."

"Your son has come out of his coma induced. He is up and talking and we see no signs of serious brain damage besides he has been stuttering a bit when he speaks but we are hoping that goes away with therapy and time." I start crying with joy at the fact Isaac is awake.

"We will be there soon. Thank you." I hang up the phone and begin shaking Colson.

"Colson, wake up! Wake up! Isaac is up and talking!" I keep shaking him until his eyes open up.

"What are you talking about?"

"Isaac is out of his induced coma. He is up! There is no brain damage from when his heart stopped! Get up so we can see our son!" He springs up out of bed and starts getting ready. I get up slowly and choose to wear some comfortable clothing. As I get ready, I call Casie to tell her the good news while Colson calls Slim, Dubo, Ash and everyone else. We finally get finished getting ready and head to the hospital. When we get into Isaac's room, I try and hold back my tears. I see him sitting there his beautiful blue eyes open again. I slowly go up to him and hug him.

"Baby, I can't believe you are awake!" I kiss him on the head bunches of times.

"Mom, I'm fine." He weakly smiles as I sit on his bed with him. Colson comes up and hugs him.

"How are you feeling?" I look at him as I keep running my hands through his hair.

"I don't remember much of what happened. The doctors kept telling me when I woke up, I was shot." He looks at Colson.

"Well, you were shot. We don't know by who, the cops are still trying to figure out who did and now that you're up they will probably come question you." Isaac looks at me confused.

"I thought getting shot was a dream. Did we win the state game?" He looks at Colson.

"Yeah, you won. Now that you're awake you are going to have a lot of people wanting to come see you."

"Incudling Isabel." I add. Isaac's face lights up with joy.

"Is she here?"

"Yep, you might want to call her." I see his eyes look at my stomach.

"Do you know if the baby is girl or boy?" I smile at touch my stomach.

"It's a girl and we are naming her Adriana." I see him smile at the thought of having a baby sister to look out for.

"Are you happy?"

"Of course,we are." As we keep talking, everyone in the family starts showing up. Everyone is over joyed at the fact Isaac is awake. Colson had work to do so I stay all day at the hospital with Isaac as the vistors keep coming and coming. Right before visting hours were over, the last vistor was the one Isaac was looking forward to seeing the most, Isabel slow comes in and I step out so they can talk. As I sit in the waiting room, I call Colson.

Isaac's POV

I smile when I see Isabel walk in, she is the one person I have been looking forward to seeing all day. She comes by the bed and starts crying.

"Isabel, you don't need to cry. I'm fine." I smile and pull her on the bed with me.

"I know, I know. Its Its Its...I'm pregnant!" She breaks down even more. I can't speak all I can do is hold her as she crys.

"It's okay."

"No, I thought you were going to die!" She keeps crying. All I can think is shit.


Short I know! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! I'm in college now and making time just to sleep is difficult but I'm getting used to it and I think I can finish this up soon. I'm debating if I want to start a new fan fiction or keep summer love. Idk

xoxo Ana

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