Chapter 4

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Issac's POV

I sit on the edge of my bed, Shayla near my head board. The tears stream down her face,

"How? Why didn't you tell me?" I look at the ground and feel the tears down my face.

"Because I was scared. I'm 15! 15 Issac! I'm not ready to be a mom." I look at her.

"No, Your not. But you still could of told me." 

"I wanted to. But after I told my parents they told me I had to." 

"It's over. I can't be with someone who is a lier." 

"NO! Issac. I'm sorry!"

"Enough, I have a football game tonight, my mom can give you a ride home."

"Please, let's talk about this." She tries putting her arm around me.

"No, please. Just ask my mom she will. I have to get ready." I get off my bed and head to my bathroom. I hear her cry. I feel the anger in my fist. How could she? I mean I'm not mad at her choice just the fact she didn't tell me. I punch the wall. It was still my baby too. I turn on the flocet and splash cold water on my face. I start to put on my uniform. I hear Shayla walk down the stairs and I finish getting ready and grab my phone and run down the stairs. Soon as I turn the corner into the kitchen I met by my mother.

"What did you do to Shayla?" She puts her arm across my chest.

"I broke up with her." Her face gets angry.

"Why?" She looks up at me, my mom being a whapping 5'6 and me being 6'4

"Because, I didn't have feeling for her anymore."

"You couldn't of done it a tad nicer. She was bawling her eyes out." 

"Who gave her a ride?"

"Casie. She was her for us to go to your game. She said she would met us there but why? You guys were good a few days ago." I start getting angry with her.

"Why can't you just back off, it's my life."

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Because, I just didn't have feeling for her anymore."

"You have changed, Issac. Where is my sweet boy?"

"He gone." She moves her arm and I grab my keys off the Island and head to my car. As soon as I step foot in the car I start to cry. I could've been a dad. I start my car and race to the high school.


I sit waiting for the ball to get thrown to me. As soon as I catch it and run. Run as fast as I can. I jump for the endzone and her the buzzer ring. We won! get off the ground and look at the crowd I see my sister, dad and mom cheering for me.

"And an amazing touchdown made by Issac Baker. TIGERS ARE GOING TO THE PLAYOFFS!"

My whole team runs to me. After the celebrating dies down I head to my parents. Who are standing with my sister.

"Good job Issac!" Casie hugs me.

"I'm so proud of you, baby." My mom kisses me

"That was a damn good play." My dad smiles at me.

"Hey dad can you ride home with me? I got to talk to you." I look at him

"Sure son." I run to the locker room to change when I get done. My dad is meeting with fans. We soon head to my car and get in. My father puts his song "Champions" on.

"Dad, you know why I broke up with Shayla?"

"Why is that?"

"She..She told me she was pregnant." I look at him and tear run down my face. He looks shocked.

"How far?"

"I don't know. She had an abortion yesturday. She didn't tell me till today."

"Oh son." I feel his arm wrap around me.

"I wish she would of told me."

"Damn, I don't know what to say."

"Why did she do it?"

"I don't know, It's her body. But she should of told you."

"I mean didn't you have Casie when you were 18?"


"I could've taken care of her and the baby." I cry harder, he hold me. I'm so glad I have my father right now.


Hope you enjoyed

xoxo Ana

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