Chapter 8

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Isaac's POV

As I sit on the plane on the way to Cleveland, all I can think about Isabel. She is all I want, I just wish she lived closer and not in France. Then I remember that phone call I got two days ago when I was still in Jamaica. "Watch out when you come back to Cleveland." Those words rang through my head the whole flight. Should I tell my parents? Naw, I can't look like pussy even if something goes down. After we arrive home I rush to my room to start unpacking my things and head to the mini gym my mom had put in after I made varsity. Only 3 more days till my state game. 

Next Morning

I pull up to the school in my black charger, a gift from my dad and park it next the the rest of the football players who will are sitting around their cars, talking. I go up to my best friend Nick and do our hand shake.

"Damn, dude, I thought you were never coming back!" He jokes with me.

"I know it felt like that too. I didn't even want to leave here in the first place."

"So who the girl you are all lovely with in those pictures on facebook?" I laugh and think about Isabel.

"Her name is Isabel, I met her when I was in Jamaica." 

"Ooo, she's fine. You hit that." I feel my face get red.

"Yes, many times." I smile as we hear the warning bell ring. I stay behind because I need to get my water bottle out of my car. As I head back to the school, I start rushing because I didn't want to be late, I see a group of guys staring at me, their eyes following my every move. I see Shayla hidden between them. I ignored it and rush to the doors.

At football practice, I had just gotten on the field when my coach calls me aside I rush over to him.

"What's up, Coach?" He hesitates then whispers to me.

"I just a notice from the office. They said your car was smashed up pretty bad. They said they would try looking at the cameras to caught the people that did it." My whole face goes white and I start running to the parking lot where I saw a cop and my mother stand by my car. I race to it and look at my smashed out windows and lights. My doors were all beat in, I look in shock at my car. I just got this car unless than two months ago. I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Isaac, your father isn't upset. He says it's okay." I look at her.

"Why?" That all I could get out.

"We don't know, Isaac." I just stare at my car. I don't say anything. I hear my mother phones start ringing and she walks off to answer it.

"No, Colson. It's pretty bad. I think we could fix it but it will be expensive. Really? A new one? Oh, okay just a rental tell his gets fixed. Okay, I love you too." She hangs up and walks back towards me. She must of been talking to my dad about what they were going to do. 

"Isaac, your coach says you can skip practice today if you want." 


"Okay, well you better get back. I'll deal with this and be back here to pick you up later." She kisses my forehead and I jog back to football practice. When I get back Nick tries to lighten the mood by joking with me.

"Damn, your mom is fine as hell." He looks at me.

"I'm not in the mood, Nik. Let's just practice." I put my helmet on and start my warm ups.

As I finish showering, I'm the last one in the locker room. As I change I look at a picture message Isabel sent me. It's a picture of a plane ticket and her passport. I try to focus the destination on the ticket and I feel a jolt of energy go thought my body when I read Cleveland. I text asking her what is going on. She sends me back a picture of a pamphlet from the most pristine all girl private schools in Ohio which happens to only be a 2 hour drive from Cleveland. Then she send me a snapchat of her smile and it says she can leave on weekends. All the bullshit about my car left my mind when I saw those words. My girl will be here only 2 hours from me. When I finish, I see my mom sitting dad's black Escalate. I hop in and turn the rap station and jam out. 

"Why are you driving dad's car?"

"Well, your father and I decided since your car is going to be getting worked on you could use my BMW and I could use this."

"What's dad going to drive?"

"He has the rental that insurance company offered."

"What kind of car?"

"Just a regular Toyota Camry."

"He thought you would look better driving my car than that one." She laughs.

"He's right. I'm going to have to thank him when I get home." I remember about Isabel and decide to tell my mom.



"You remember Isabel?'
"That nice French girl you met in Jamaica?"

"Yeah, well her and I are kind of in a relationship and she is come to the girl's school."

"Oh, that's great, Isaac." She smiles.

"Your okay with that?"

"Of course. I like her much better than Shayla. She is a good girl." I'm kind of offended at my mom's attitude towards Shayla, I mean did she feel this way the whole year we dated? I shook it off and we arrive home. I grab all of my stuff and head inside. I go to look for my dad who was sitting the the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal and look at his phone. I go up and hug him.

"Thanks, dad." I smile and he laughs

"Your going make me look like a fool driving that car around. When I was 17, I was rolling in a PT Cruiser." He laughs some more.I grab a bowl and join him.

"So what names you guys pick out for the baby?" I ask him.

"Well, I keep telling your mom it's a girl and her name is Kimberly Aliyah." He smiles

"I like that, I wouldn't mind a little sister. What if it's a boy?"

"That's what your mother thinks it is and if it is his name will be Silas Richard."

"Like in your actually first name?"

"Yep. I don't what is her deal with using my name." He laugh 

"The baby is a boy." My mother sets a bag of groceries on the island me and my father were sitting at.

"In your dreams, babe." My father gets up and kisses her cheek and put the groceries away for her.

"Oh dad, I have a question." I take another bit of my cereal


"I heard one of your old songs today. It was called Alone with some band called Sleeping with Sirens. Who is the girl you are singing about?" My parents look at each other.

"Well, when you were about 3 or 4 your mother and I were fighting really bad and when I went on tour, I came home about a month later to do a show here and you guys were gone. Your mother told me we were done so when that band gave me the lyrics for that song and asked me to write a versus it fit perfectly with what happened and if you listened to my whole part you can tell how pissed I was." My mother smile at him

"And then when I came home when we got off tour he played if for me and we made up." They kiss.

"14 years with your mother next month, correct my dear?" 

"Yep." He kisses her again.

"You guys are going to make me barf, I'm heading upstairs, night guys."

"I love you, Isaac." My mother hugs me. I get up to my bed, change and flop down. I look at my phone and check facebook. I turn on some music and try to relax when my phone starts going off. I reflex answer it thinking it was one of my friends or Isabel.

"Hello?" I say sleepily into the phone.

"You like what we did to your car? Well, take that as warning next time it's your face." The deep voice warned.

"Who are you?" The phone hangs up and I just stare at it. Maybe it's time to tell my parents....


Oooo snap! 

xoxo Ana

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