Chapter 5

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I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. I can't believe at 16, I got my ex-girlfriend pregnant, overdosed and won our final playoff game to get us to State all in almost 1 month. I hear my phone vibrate on my headboard and grab and look at the name. Shayla. I hit ignore. I decided to get up and head downstairs to get something to drink. Once I hit the kitchen, I see my father and his best friend Slim sitting at the island.

"Issac, what's up little dude." He looks at me, I smile and had the fridge

"Not much, sorry if I irrupted anything I was just thirst" I grab my bottle of water and just as I'm about to head upstairs my dad calls to me.

"Issac, come here." I head over and look at the papers on the table.

"What is it, dad?"

"I was thinking. We should go on family vacation. All of us." He smiles at Slim and shakes his hand

"Ughh, okay. Where?"


"Alright" He grabs me and hugs me.

2 weeks later

I sit on the beach with my mother, Casie and my aunt Ashleigh we watch my father and my uncles run around and play in the water. My father still acts like he is a teenager.

"Issac, why don't you swim, sweetheart"  My mother looks over at me

"I'm not feeling to well. I might go back to the room." I lied to her of course for the fact I didn't want to go to Jamaica so close to the State game I should be at home training and practicing.

"Oh, let me walk with you." She gets off her towel and walks toward me. For my mom's age she looks amazing like she is still in her twenties. I get off and walk with her once we reach the hotel she gets me to my room.

"Issac, if you need anything just txt me." She kisses my forehead and I such the door. I choose to head to the gym. I change into my football cut off and nike shorts.  Once in the gym and start weightlifting. I just happened to look over at the door and when I did I saw the most beautiful girl ever. She was in white nike pros and a sports bra. Her brown hair in a high bun. As I stare at her I almost drop the weights I holding. She smiles and starts walking toward me.

"Hi." I put the weights down.

"Hi, I'm Issac." I grab her hand and kiss it

"Hello, I'm Isabel." Her voice as an accent of some sort

"You have such a beautiful name, Isabel." She smiles at me

"Thank you, hey wanna grab a bit to eat?" 



Ooo Issac might have another lady in his life:)

xoxo ana

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