until execution do us part | Erwin Smith

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Did he not take your feelings into consideration or had he simply forced your entire existence out of his thoughts when this plan was in the making?

Your fiancé was a rather mysterious man who was hard to both understand and communicate with. He was simply hard to get close and intimate with.

Erwin never asked you simple questions such as ‘how was your day?’ or ‘how are you?’, nor did he seem interested in anything you did for the Garrison unless he gained some useful information he could use.

A long-distance relationship like yours shouldn’t have worked. The two of you belonged in different squads who rarely mingled together unless a titan attack happened. Plus, the constant fear and anxiety of never seeing him again should have been enough to end the relationship. However, due to Erwin’s position as commander, he already had a better chance at surviving. No matter how cruel it sounded it was the harsh reality. That, and the fact that you saw each other a whole lot more because of joint meetings where only commanders and chief officers from the different squad met.

Yet your relationship only consisted of sex, stiff conversations where you both tried to avoid the topic about anything titan related, an illusion of feelings and more sex.

Not that you really minded.

At least not in the beginning.

Erwin Smith had been there for you in the right moment and at the right time.

You both needed the small comfort your joint bodies offered in the hell you currently lived in. His taller and warmed frame made you feel some sort of placebo safe and even if it only lasted a brief moment, it was worth every little second.

The relationship had made very little, yet very much progress. Did you feel as if you knew your fiancé inside and out? No, but you were still engaged.

Did he know more about you than you knew about him? Probably, but still, it was he who had taken all the long and more binding steps in your relationship. Erwin was the one to take the step from acquaintances with benefits to being secret boyfriends. He was also the one to present you the ring you now wore as a necklace underneath your uniform.

Despite all that.

Despite everything Erwin did for the two of you, so your relationship could last.

Despite Erwin making the moves you were scared to make.

It still felt as if a huge wall was between you two, not between humanity and titans.
Everything still felt one-sided. As if it was only you who tried to tear down the wall with your bare hands.

Your feelings were swallowing you up from the inside, but your conscious mind pushed the doubts and the icky feelings under the carpet. You hid those feelings away, so you could embrace Erwin, take in his natural scent hidden by sweat, blood and dust, inhale and exhale shaky breaths just to reassure yourself. Just to reassure yourself that he was in fact alive, that your reason for stepping out of bed each morning still existed in the same world as you and that maybe his coup d’état led to humanity’s freedom.

Hidden away and out of sight in a corner, you sobbed with relief into your fiancé’s one-armed embrace. And as his grip tightened around your waist and his posture relaxed under your touch you chose to believe every word he said.

“It’s going to be okay now, [Male Name]. We’re one step closer.”

Though your tears hadn’t stopped their journey down your wet cheeks, you still managed to nod into his bloody shirt.

“I just want this to be over.”

A small smile tugged at his swollen lips and a rare glimmer shined in his blue eyes.

“It is, my dear. Now can’t even execution do us part.”

As your mind and heart wanted, you believed every word. It was reassuring to have him in your arms again as you stood on top of a falling regime and having him whisper sweet nothings in your ear as if he hadn’t been minutes away from being hanged.

However, deep down in your gut you knew this would do everything harder.

Yes, with Historia Reiss on the throne, Erwin and the rest of the scouts would never be in danger of death by law, but you still lived in the same world where humanity was on the brink of extinction.

Even if execution wouldn’t do you part, death still would in one way or another. Death could take any form either as a desperate titan, a shaky hand holding a gun or an angry military police cadet. Death existed everywhere, in this moment, the next hour, tomorrow, on the battle field or within years.

So, you made sure every minute counted. That every hug lasted a brief second longer, that every kiss left you more breathless than ever and that his warmth always surrounded you while sharing bed.

From this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us part.

Anime Characters x Male!Reader 🌹 [Oneshots]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu