"I've seen a couple of the games," she said. "You could give the seniors a run for their money."

Something about that comment made me feel all stupid and I smiled. "Thanks. Uh. Yeah it's going good."

She bit down on her lip and let her gaze flutter over me for a moment until she returned her attention to the donation pile being made.

Apparently that was the end of the conversation and I backed out of the room, not sure what to make of the whole situation. As long as Abby didn't leave the house with that outfit on, I wasn't going to have a go at her about it.

I went to my bedroom and closed the door before having a quick shower in the ensuite. It wasn't late but I wasn't that hungry and I felt tired from the impromptu football practice Flynn and I had in his yard this afternoon.

When I pulled on a pair of underwear and climbed into bed, I settled down and stared at the ceiling with the light on.

Francesca had let me know when I came inside that she'd made lasagne if I felt like it. There was a strong chance I would later but I decided to rest for a while.

She'd go to bed and then I could do what I wanted. Game in the den. Watch a movie. Whatever I wanted to do when it was past bedtime. She was stricter about sleep than Mom and Dad.

It turned out sleep didn't come after all. So I ran downstairs, still in my underwear and took a plate of food back to bed. I ate it all, I watched a movie, I sat on my phone.

But still, I wasn't tired when I tried to doze off the second time. As hard as I wanted to ignore the truth, it seemed that I was thinking about Jorjia.

She kept creeping up on me. But this time, when I thought about her, there was a soft knock on the door before she stepped inside and closed it behind her.

She stood against it, hands behind her back, shoulder length hair in a mess of waves. Her grin was devious.

It was the sort of grin she wore when I saw her skipping class in the corridors or when she was caught texting during math.

It was trouble.

And I kind of liked it.

"Can I hang out in here?" She fluttered her long dark lashes and I nodded, sitting up in bed.

The sheet fell away from my torso and she let her gaze cast over me as she chewed on her lip.

"Abby went to sleep but I'm not tired and I'm dead bored."

"Uh sure."

One might tell you I had a blunt sense of humour. I didn't sugar coat things or become nervous a lot.

But at that moment, my throat became thick and I felt lost for words as she walked towards the bed, pulling her shorts down to reveal a black lace thong with a little skull jewel dangling from the strap.

"I hope you don't mind," she said with a sweet smile. One that made her dimples appear and in that moment she didn't look like a mature troublesome goth girl.

She seemed delicate and gentle. It was quite confusing given the fact that she was crawling into my bed with nothing but a thong and cropped tank top on.

"It's just so hot and I don't want to sleep in shorts."

"It's sweet," I said and put a hand behind my head as I laid down.

We'd gone to school together for a while. She'd been spending more time around here. But she was still a stranger and the whole thing was kind of weird because when I looked over her smooth creamy body, resting on top of the sheets, I felt a definite twitch in my Klein's.

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