Chapter 20: Charlie

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The Next Morning
Skylar's POV

I woke up the next morning I woke up to Emmett walking in with breakfast.

"How'd you know?" I asked with a smile.

"Well I guessed that since you can still phase, you have to eat." Emmett shrugged setting my plate on my lap and my coffee next to me as he kissed my head. "Eat up, cause once we're done we're gonna go get our girls."

"Sounds great." I smiled kissing his lips before eating breakfast then getting ready to leave.

At The Cullen House

We've been hanging out with the family and kids for a few hours when Bella and Edward came walking in.

"Wow. Done already?" Emmett teased.

"Where's Renesmee?" Bella asked.

"Blondie stole her." Jacob said looking at Nessie and Rose out the window.

"Break a lot of stuff?" Connor teased.

"Connor, no." Bella warned causing the boys to laugh. That's when the phone went off and everyone went silent. Bella and I looked at each other before turning to Carlisle.

"Is that Dad?" I asked.

"He's been calling twice a day." Emmett spoke up holding Faith closer to him as I held Luna closer to me.

"He's in pretty rough shape." Jake added.

"Eventually, we'll have to tell him you didn't make it." Carlisle informed.

"He needs to mourn." Edward said.

"Okay, we'll do it tomorrow?" Bella asked looking at me as I nodded sadly.

"I'm gonna miss this place." Emmett said standing up burping Faith.

"We'll come back." Carlisle sighed. "We always do."

"Wait." Jared frowned looking around at the Cullen's, Mikaelson's, and Salvatore's. "Nobody said anything about leaving."

"Once people believe Bella and Skylar are dead, we can't risk anyone seeing them." Freya said.

"So you just disappear?" Jacob frowned.

"Jacob, we don't have another choice." Elena shrugged.

This caused Jacob and Jared to scoff and take off on their bikes.


After a while Jared and Jacob came back and asked to speak with Bella, Edward, Emmett, and I. That's when they told us everything.

"We solved a problem, you were leaving." Jared shrugged. "What did you expect us to do?"

"You don't realize the danger you've put him in!" I frowned.

"Sky's right! The Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us!" Bella added.

"No, I didn't tell him about you. Just us." Jacob stated. "I only said you two were different."

"And that Edward and I have nieces we adopted." Emmett frowned.

"We mean, seriously, guys, he's not just gonna let that go!" I stated.

"Did you two even consider the physical pain he'll put Bella and Skylar through?" Edward asked. "It'll be like sticking a white hot branding iron down their throats. And that's assuming they can control their thirst."

"Look, Charlie's been in hell." Jared tried to reason. "And we know you two will be much happier with him in your live's."

"Don't try and pretend that you two are doing this for anyone but yourselves." Emmett stated.

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