Chapter 18: I'm Still Debating It

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Skylar's POV

"You were amazing baby." Emmett smiled as we jumped over the river and walked through the yard.

That was when Jared walked out of the house and walked up to us.

"You're still here." I smiled.

"So are you. You look amazing. Except for the creepy vamp eyes." Jared joked walking forward.

I rolled my eyes with a smirk then realized how close he was getting. "I would, I would keep my distance for now."

"It's safer for the babies to see how you do with me first." Jared assured.

"Since when did you care about Faith, Luna, or Renesmee?" I asked.

"Alright, take a whiff." Jared said stepping forward.

"You don't smell any different to me." I shrugged. "And my throat isn't burning, I somewhat feel full."

Emmett smiled and pulled me to his side. "Ready to meet your daughters?"

Jared smiled and ran inside as I smiled, nodding as we slowly followed behind him.

When we entered everyone turned towards Emmett and I.

"Welcome to the family." Esme smiled.

"You look amazing, Sky." Freya complimented.

"Someone's been waiting to meet you." Elijah smiled stepping out of the way.

"Bekah, Elena." Emmett said causing them to turn around with my two babies in their arms. I was shocked at first to see how big they were, but their smiles and gurgling made me fall in love even more.

"This is Faith. She's the oldest." Elena smiled putting Faith in my one arm.

"And this is Luna." Bekah smiled putting Luna in my other arm.

I held both of my baby girls as Jared and Nik kind of hovered behing Rebekah and Elena.

"They're so beautiful." I smiled then noticed both of the babies palms glowing before Luna looked at Jacob and made him float in the air.

"Woah, woah. Ow!" Jacob said as his head hit the ceiling causing the babies to laugh and gurgle. "Sky, not cool!"

"It wasn't me." I laughed looking down at my two beautiful girls.

"Ahh." Jacob groaned as Luna looked away from him, making him hit the floor.

That's when I noticed both babies had teeth as well.

"I've only been out for a couple days, right?" I asked.

"Yes, but they're growth rate, along with Renesmee's has been unprecedented." Carlisle said.

"Alright, that's enough experimenting for one day." Jared said as he reached for Faith and Nik reached for Luna.

"Guys, she's doing great." Emmett frowned.

"Yeah, let's not push it though." Nik said as they both tried to grab the babies. I instantly stepped back, glaring at the two.

"What's your guys' problem?" I frowned.

"Oh. Do tell her, Jared." Rosalie smirked.

"This should be good." Damon said as Elena hit him on the chest.

"Hold on a second." Emmett said then turned to me. "Sky."

I gave the girls to Emmett who have them to Esme and Jenna as they backed up.

Their Family (Sequal to His Mate) (Book #4)Where stories live. Discover now