Chapter 11: The Treaty Is Void

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Skylar's POV

Bella and I were still laying down on the couch when I let out a gasp as one of the babies kicked two more of my ribs.

"Baby?" Emmett asked worried.

"I'm fine." I sighed taking deep breathes. "They're just excited."

"They broke a few more ribs?" Emmett asked wipping away a tear as I nodded.

"I got it." Leo said placing him hand lightly on my side, healing the break. He's been doing this for Bella and I since they arrived. Phoebe had a premonition and they all orbed over to help.

Next thing I know Wyatt orbed next to me hugging my side.

"Awww. Thank you buddy." I smiled ruffling his hair as everyone else had a small smile on their face.

That's when Jake, Sean, Seth, Leah, and Jared walked in.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I asked, Leah obviously didn't want to be here.

"We came to check up on you." Leah said looking to me then trailed off to Wyatt next to me and she froze.

"Wyatt, come to mommy." Piper said but shook his head and orbed to Leah so he was in her arms.

"What just happened?" Phoebe frowned holding Elijah's hand, and yes, they're together too same with Prue and Finn. Turns out they really hit it off during the wedding and the family loves them.

"Leah imprinted on Wyatt." Leo smiled.

"What?" Piper frowned.

"No, it's not a bad thing. It means she'll protect him." Paige assured, knowing the feeling of an imprint, then turned to the wolves. "Have you heard from him?"

"He's sided with Sam, I'm sorry Paige." Jared said sympathetically before walking over to me but Nik stood up, standing in his way. I don't know why, but Nik has been growing just as over protective of me as Rebekah and Rose. The only people he lets touch me is Emmett, Bella, Rose, Bekah, Esme, Carlisle, and the kids.

"I wouldn't." Nik just about growled.

"Nik, it's okay." I sighed, hate the feeling of being coddled. Just because I'm carrying two strong babies doesn't mean I'm an invalid. No matter how terrible I may look.

"We have to talk." Jake said sitting down explaining what happebed as Sean picked up Lizzy who now wouldn't leave his side, and sat down next to Sam, Hope, and Dean. "Sam has lost the element of surprise, and he doesn't want to take you on out numbered. So he's not gonna come at you head on. He's got the place surrounded, and he'll wait for his opportunity."

"Like hell he's getting anywhere near Bella and I or our children." I growled, all respect for Sam Uley just flew out the fucking window.

"We won't get through without a fight." Emmett stated.

"No fights." Carlisle said. "We won't be the one's to break the treaty."

"The treaty is void. At least in Sam's mind." Jared spoke up.

"Not in ours." Esme frowned.

"Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks." Connor stated.

"We'll make due." Esme assured.

"Thank you. You've done us a great service." Carlisle said looking at Jake then to the rest of the exiled wolves around the room. "All of you."

Later That Night
Third Person's POV

Bella and Skylar were sleeping on the couches as Damon took his shift at the windows, watching over the wolves that surrounded the Cullen house, while the rest of the family, and guests stayed in their rooms except for obviously, Damon, Roalie, Rebekah, Esme, Emmett, Edward, Hayley and Klaus.

"How are they?" Jacob asked as he and Jared walked in.

"For right now, they're okay." Emmett sighed looking down at his wife.

"Rose, why don't you get Jacob and Jared something from the kitchen." Esme suggested.

"Thanks but no thanks." Jared stated.

"What he said. I'd rather not eat something with blondie's spit in it." Jacob frowned.

"She would never embarrass me with lack of hospitality." Esme assured.

"Of course not." Rose said putting down her magazine, walking into the kitchen.

"You'd tell us if she poisoned it, right?" Jacob asked Edward who shared a very small smirk but then it turned to a frown. "It broke abother one of Bella's ribs."

That's when clanking metal came from the kitchen, accidentally waking Skylar up due to her sensitive hearing.

"Hey, you okay?" Emmett asked.

Skylar nodded with a sigh trying to pull her blanket closer to her. "I'm just a bit cold."

"Here." Nik said putting his arm against her's but it too was cold making Skylar shiver.

"Nik, you haven't fed in a while. You're getting colder." Skylar shivered.

"I got it." Jared said sitting next to her with his arm around her shoulders, quickly warming up.

"Thank you for being here." Skylar smiled. "For being a part of my pack."

"Always Sky, you're my best friend." Jared shrugged.

That's when Rose came out with a plate of food, handing it to Jared and placed a bowl with "Fido" enscribed in the side.

"Enjoy, mongrel." Rose said about to walk out and turned around. "And don't make such a big deal out of it. Even normal human babies have been known to crack a few ribs."

And with that continued to walk out. Jacob smirked picking of the bowl, taking a bite out of the hot dog before putting it back in the bowl and launched it at Rose, making it hit her head and get food in her hair.

All the boys and Skylar in the room laughed lightly as Rose turned around pissed.

"You, got, Food! In my hair!" Rose hissed trying to keep her cool and stormed off when everyone tried containing their laughter.


Alaric, Stefan, Alice, Jasper, Jenna, Caroline, Bonnie, Sam, Dean, Bobby, Emmett and Edward were all in the library researching the children but what Emmett and Edward found on the computer didn't make them feel any better. Emmett got pissed and punched the table making it break in half as Edward just stormed out of the room.

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