Chapter 1

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The plane shook, sending jolts of fear through my body. I felt my heart seize up as the pilot's voice came over the intercom.

"We are experiencing a bit of turbulence. We are sorry for the inconvenience. We have encountered a thunderstorm but are making our way through."

I threw all of my faith into that claim. It's just turbulence, I told myself. You're not crashing. Yet the plane turned sideways. I clutched the armrests as screams filled the plane. The woman beside me shrieked and the flight attendants stumbled in the aisle. I saw my suitcases tumble from the overhead compartments out of the corner of my eye.

A loud explosion caused a ring in my ears. It came from my right. The wing of the plane. I wanted to scream. Faint. Cry. Anything. But I was frozen in fear.

"Brace for impact!" yelled the pilot. I heard screams from all around me. Children crying for their mothers, mothers crying for their children. Men and women grasping for each other. People sobbing into their cell phones to their loved ones. I saw the flight attendants strap themselves into their seats with eyes full of terror.

The plane lurched forward, down down down. Oxygen masks fell from their compartments above our heads. I reached for mine, but the plane was shaking too wildly for me to grasp it. The woman beside me grasped my hand in a death grip. I turned my head to look at her, and the fear I saw in her eyes will forever be ingrained in my mind. I held onto her hand as if it was the only thing keeping me alive.

Suddenly, I heard a sound so loud my ears began to ring. I could feel myself being pressed against the back of the seat. When I looked back, I saw a huge hole in the side of the plane. People who weren't strapped to their seats were thrown out, and seats came loose from the plane's interior.  The hole seemed to get bigger and bigger, inching closer to me with every second that ticked by as we fell through the air into the dark water below.


Let me know what you guys think so far! What can I fix, add, or change? What am I doing good on? Thanks so much and don't forget to vote!

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